There's no such thing as a "bad" classic MM game, but I don't think 9 is great. Felt like Capcom took the difficulty reputation of the originals instead of reality and made a game based on it. It's filled with way more frustrating BS than the old games were. TBH I am surprised you like it that much.
IDC about slide or charge shot, but too many levels are filled with parts that are intentionally trollish and cheap because Capcom was doing a "weren't those crazy, old games Nintendo hard?" *wink & nod*
It probably does have some of the most "lol difficulty spike" moments in the series. But I wasn't too bothered by that and the pros outweighed all that. I don't hate the charge shot, but the games without it encourage you to actually use the boss weapons outside of bofss fights, and I like that.
I didn't like 9 or 10. I like challenging games, but not where the challenge feels exceptionally cheap. Like I adored the Bionic Commando remake which was a contemporary of MM9, and it was very challenging, but it always felt fair and in my control.
Mega Man 9 was HARD, and... it did kick my ass to the point of me not really enjoying it, but it was a respectable classic Mega Man from what I remember.
I saw that and a whole thread on the Mega Man subreddit of people complaining about how it and 10 got rid of the charge shot and the slide "just to glaze up Mega Man 2" or something.
I'll be real: I'm that guy. I think Mega Man started at 3 and 4 is my favorite still (8 at a close second). MM9/10 feel like they were made for "hardcore gamers" and it turned me off.
But X4 was obviously the best.