i am once again saying that if you allow polling to define rights, you don't have any real rights at all
Reposted from
gwen howerton
the problem with the "trans sports participation is a loser / 80-20 issue" framing is that it ignores how it got that way. it didn't just happen out of nowhere. It's been a 5+ year campaign by Republicans to make it an 80-20 issue, and noone fought back.
At best, a handful of Dems have spoken out in favor. Most simply ignore the issue & stay quiet while Repubs rage at fake controversies (that Matt falls for)
So, even though the media rely on polls, typically to drive their corporatist viewpoint, they NEVER take the time to explain their limits.
Confirmation bias, plain & simple.
And the reason is that, to the dishonest and desperate, polls are like the Bible.
A never-ending source of cherry-picked validation of their (usually warped) world view.
That’s understandable. It’s one of his less popular works.
Thanks for the work you do to push back.