Housing is crazy expensive where I live. Some of the highest in the world.
I don't buy the idea that someone making six figures can't afford a place to live. I just don't.
Seems like emotional reasoning to me.
I don't buy the idea that someone making six figures can't afford a place to live. I just don't.
Seems like emotional reasoning to me.
Perception is all about emotion.
They don't _feel_ wealthy.
Yes, someone on six figures *can* afford a place to live. And be very comfortable
But the whole point of this thread is that they don't feel "wealthy"
In my unskilled job, white collar workers totally ignore me, treat me like I don't exist.
It doesn't surprise me that they take their office job and their Tesla and their nice appartment for granted.
Likely they're thinking "I'm middle class, I'm not rich"
Like if you're saying "look at them in their Tesla" (which is mid price for an electric car) They're likely going "look over there, they have a new Porsche"
There's probably a tipping point into "I'm rich"
But yeah, it's the shittyness of capitalism that the inequality gap keeps growing and billionaires seem determined to take money from the poorest rather than pay their fair share of taxes
I put it down to human nature. If we had Communism, we'd just get Stalin in his dacha.