People being paid back the money they invest into the economy as taxes aren't stealing money from you in the way the people who avoid paying taxes say they are.
It is time to reveal this to the world so that it is not just the privy knowledge of a chosen few. The fact is that our world has been “owned” by the elite, who created the society we live in – purposely, to benefit themselves at the expense of Humanity.
Paying most tax? That's a convenient way to angle things to destroy progressive taxation. For a starter, absolutely NOBODY on the planet does work worth $15m compared to fulltime workers. It's gouging and exploitation.
The people who are under most pressure from cost of living pressure are the poor. Wealth distribution in the US has fallen off a cliff. You think this is a good system? Says a bit about you as a person.
If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.
A MAJOR part!
The punishment is the point
Without it they’re sad
The rich take advantage of every tax break they can but in fact, by any measure, they pay most of the taxes in the U.S.
But since this does not fit into your dogma, you will ignore these inconvenient truths.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Do you have any ideas how to fight Trump?