Let’s play a game. Those of you at your parents’, grandparents’, or auntie’s house ….what’s the funniest decorative item you see?
Here’s mine 👇🏼
Here’s mine 👇🏼
It’s a dish scrubber holder. I didn’t know they are still being made these days.
Get old disgracefully.
Yessir... no better way to leave that extra roll of toilet paper out - while still maintaining dignity. We weren't born in a barn for chrissake!
I mean, I know the house I grew up in had it.
I think she actually made it.
FYI • For Sale to collectors
Tittie cookies
(If you know, you know!)
We no longer have the bunches of plum-sized glass grapes.
My stepmom makes him keep it in his office. Far far away from the front door.
My Grandmother had one with a doll’s head on the back of every toilet in her house. And each were a different color, but each matched the corresponding crocheted toilet seat lid cover on the padded toilet seats.
But the really best thing is i got this from a friends daughter 5 years ago
After he died I lifted it off the bookshelf to give to someone, and I discovered it was hollow — a piggy bank!
With a coin slot.
In the back of the head.
I thought one of those would have been posted by now!
You know, the creepy doll head ones.
OR, like some of us,
did you learn it was oil only after you tasted it?
I did watch my cousin fill up the reservoir later, it kind of broke the magic of it.
My grandmother also collected chicken dishes & little moo cow ceramic cream dispensers.
But hell, I’m not a cat, curiosity never killed me.
Also, I separate eggs for a living.
Whaat and how does that work?
or an ashtray.
depending on which 70s era aunt you ask. . . .
They loved to fish and man the catfish fry’s we had!!
Then I grew up to think frogs are so dang on cute.
He lives in the garden now !
She's loaded up on Annalee dolls and figurines...
College bro is the creepiest.
Of those 3
Even I find it rather unsettling.
Not sure if it's the teeth, or the eyes...
Confession time, they’re my grapes. 😂 MCM is my jam! 🥰
I love that frog. 🐸