The world is darker than it’s been in my lifetime. We’ve lost sight of our collective capacity, fallen into traps of distrust, discarded compassion. It’s no wonder courage has taken a back seat to fear.
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I literally broke down today over the story of the soldier in the helicopter being attacked. Their families and honor seem meaningless to some Americans. He reminded me of myself at that age. Serving his country and feeling the pride that goes with that. God be with all who died.
My greatest fear is courage has taken a back seat to corruption and the Dems will just be jumping in the back seat of the getaway car as it drives away from the bank.
Fear can be overcome, but once you switch sides it’s over. See Sinema, Manchin, Fetterman etc 😩
Honey, you're familiar like my mirror years ago
Idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword
Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me I should know
I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door.
The world hates us for what we've allowed ourselves to become. Privileged, we sit in the comfort of our homes and doomsday scroll, not knowing what to do next, or afraid that we'll be inconvenienced by a face full of pepper spray. We've grown soft and easy to overcome in this complacent state.
Too many virtue signalers who will scream "If you bully a bully, then you become a bully."
I had my head slammed into a locker for almost a week at school one year.. Want to know what stopped it? Wasn't talking to "Administrators" it was slamming the QBs head into the locker when he tried again.
I'm no Pollyanna, but am noticing a HUGE trend of everyday Americans pissed off & speaking up not only to neighbors & socials but also to their elected representatives - AND IT IS MAKES A DIFFERENCE!
#WeThePeople, together, have waaay more power than 🍊🤡 thinks.
"Action is the antidote to anxiety"
Wow! You must be very young. Things can be much darker. But, we are a strong people and if we all work together we will overcome this as we have other hardships
☝🏽It’s more depraved by the day. I go for intel, I can’t everyday or my fist would be through walls & my heart too broken to beat.
We don’t have time for that.
Keep your soul. Help others keep theirs.
We fight. Justice is justice, law be damned.
Every pain we can ease or life preserved is a win.
Courage should never take a back seat in times of peril. If I, an unarmed 60 year old woman, can save a woman being attacked by a gunman in Brooklyn, Congress can do what's right, too.
Yup. Today is not a good day for me. I’m down and scared. I had hoped to find like minded “warriors” here and make plans. My posts die in the dark when I propose things that might help and everyday I see more useless posts. Like “I hate the felon” 🙄 Yeah. Get in line and do something about it!
We all knew what he would do if he was reelected. He told us. Project 2025 outlined it. I don't think we had the capacity to fully comprehend what it would actually look and feel.
You don’t know how to walk or how that feels until you do.
You learn on the go. We can learn.
We can pivot.
We can do hard things.
His only honesty was when he said what he would do.
Project 2025 & Agenda 47 were honest. Cruel. Real.
We have: love to share, words to say & punches to throw.
It’s think it’s because people like Devin don’t understand their actions mean something when they have positions of power and influence and that their naked ambition and sycophancy is an example for everyone to follow.
In my 7 decades of life, I have never felt so disillusioned.
I am disgusted & I want those who voted for tRump to feel their vote. I want those Republican states who rail about Federal pork to stop sucking slop from the Fed trough. I want their hierarchy to crumble without Fed money.
We need to not fall into the "46 year old man who tried to date a 9 when he was a 5 and got Pikachu face when she hurt him" trap. We do not have time to be bitter. We do not have time whine about yesterday. We need to FIX IT NOW.
I’m ready to go protest. Fired up, ready to go. We are Gen X. Let’s suck it up and go get the bastards. We need to act now before he sets even more stuff on fire.
I have never felt this peculiar mix of emotions I am having now. It’s a deep grief mixed with disgust, rage, terror and confusion. It feels like we are moving in slow motion and lightning speed all at the same time, while staring into the barrel of a gun while an avalanche is heading toward us.
Alive for WW 2, Korea, Viet Nam, Grenada, 9/11
Iraq, and of course the Iranian hostage crisis. Rwanda, the Hungarian Revolution, in no particular order.
There have been very dark times in our history. Ruby Bridges, Lester Maddox and his ax handle. And many more.
That's because the White House is headed by people who just want to rob the place and then take off to Venezuela, Saudi Arabia or Russia. We've all seen Die Hard. Hans isn't there to free political prisoners in Europe. Hans is there to rob the place. That's why Trump is there. And Elon.
I think that's wrong. When someone spends their whole life working to get rich, there really is no upper bound at which they think "Ok, I'm rich enough". It just doesn't happen.
Yes, but we've also been under attack for more than a decade. This is a coup planned by people with interests that don't align with what's good for America or its people. As soon as we start calling it what it really is, the easier it will be to get people to WAKE UP.
“The world is darker than it’s been in my lifetime” has been true every day for at least 30 years. Every single day I’ve been alive has been the worst day to be alive in all of human history. With that kind of consistency, It’s highly unlikely things will ever get better.
Put millions of the people in the streets. Scare him. Provoke him. Show MAGA how small they are. Show the world we aren’t a bunch of sheeple. Be like Georgia.
Well... I'm not gonna look down because of that yet. Think of, for instance, if you were suddenly fed any piece of really terrible news. A death in the family, for horrid but apt example. A pillar of the family. There's a huge shock and depression and slow down from that. Our brains have to absorb.
But we always DO wake up and realize we've got to do that grim decision to keep living despite the fact they can't anymore. That's where we're at. We're in the grim shock before we begin the real job of fighting back. It'll get darker before it gets lighter, but I'm not counting us totally out *yet*
I've gone to some pretty grim worries and projections in these past few months and especially couple weeks, being disabled, gay, and outspoken in the south. Triple threat. But I just know it took me a lot of spent strength to get here. I can't let them take that in a given up state.
I’m sorry you’re having to even think about that. People can be so cruel, but there are even more caring people who will fight for you. We can all lift each other up and make it through.
I would agree with most of this - but in Canada, T2.0 has caused anger and unity. It makes me sad to think we are closing ranks against our American friends - but the US is currently a huge threat to us, and Canadians are reacting accordingly.
I can’t begin to tell you how heartbroken I am about this. Canada has been such a staunch ally, and I hope we can wrest power from the thugs who have taken control.
Many people are “information silo’d”, so they only watch Fox or listen to right wing radio. The right wing propaganda has been out there for years. I have a lot of folks in my practice who have relatives they feel have gone off the deep end with right wing conspiracy theories in the past few years.
I dunno. I've been retired and a total homebody for the past 6 years and you could not PAY me to watch right wing news. I think you have to believe the BS they are pushing before you can even begin to start watching it.
But if you're raised watching Fox News, told that college is evil indoctrination and that cities are lawless hellholes where you'll get shot in a gang war if you stop at a red light and that the liberal media lies, Democrats want to make you eat bugs, and even books are evil... How do you escape?
I used to watch a lot of different news outlets so I could get a sense of what was true. Also, you could take courses in college like statistics that show how information can be manipulated so you don’t buy everything you see. Be open to different opinions.
It would be difficult but it can still be done. Maybe my brain just works in a really different way, but I was raised by a racist mother, and I remember being confused by that as a little girl. She is also a hard core Conservative. I am neither of those things, nor is my sister. Sadly my brother is.
Collectively -We’re uneducated. We’re racist. We’re sexist. We’re fearful. The scenario has been cultivated for decades and legally crafted. ( and perhaps illegally- we will never know)
Yeah, that's good. We want you all to do exactly that. The whole world should close ranks and defend their people's future. Whatever will prevent the fewest number of people being dragged to the bottom of the sea as we sink.
As an American (in Dallas, TX) I’m so thankful and encouraged that Trudeau is coming right back at that 🍊💩🤡! Good! We’re all gonna suffer here, no doubt, but the orange cancer must be put in his place.
Some of us down here are bracing for the retaliation. We already know prices are gonna go through the roof. And it's all the psychopathic, moronic idiot of a monster who has invaded the Oval Office's fault.
We took to the streets and other civil disobedience to end the draft and stop the war in Vietnam.
Tricky Dick ended the draft with a lottery . Meanwhile he was a thug and we got him out of office.
I keep coming back to the same take. They (Dems) are all in fear mode. Fear of their party, the voters, the opposition, the felon president, and his merry band of idiots. Fear rules right now. That is what we must overcome.
I have found you to be courageous. Female members of Congress have shown courage, and I’m willing to stand beside you. I think it’s our male “leaders”
who have dropped the ball.
I'd like, if I may, to offer a different view. Up to you whether you think it's darker or lighter.
Our leaders have always held us in contempt. They hid it well. Now we know.
We're better able to understand the task of overturning them.
We need all the courage at our disposal.
I am reeling in absolute shock and horror as we all are. It’s devastating to me that it feels so hopeless. I will be open to help any way I can. We need a few good leaders to organize us for this long battle.
It got dark in 2020. Thought we made it through in 2021. But sadly, no. This country admires white privilege and entitled rapists over … anyone who is not.
Don’t give up cow. We can come out of this darkness. We just need to take a collective breath, hold hands, and play a mean game of Red Rover. Send Malcom Kenyatta right over!!! ☀️ 🌈 😎 We got this 🐮
It is darker than I have ever know - but due to a FEW who are corrupt, evil and the MANY COWARDS who are in position to hold them accountable, but ARE NOT doing so. Looking at the Corrupt SCOTUS, POTUS and his evil cronnies, some GOP, and the ALL of the GOP COWARDS.
If I believed you I would have to say we have lost already and should just bend the knee and beg our overlords for mercy or kill ourselves. March 15th is a very optimistic target date as it is. Do today what you can do today and prepare to take the fight to them beginning March 15th.
We can fight to get our country back. But we have to do this in the streets. We have to get our collective butts up and get loud. This is America and we defeat fascists and Nazis.
Yup. Bit in FL DeSantis passed. A law that no lore than 3 can protest at a time. Biden and his admin did NOTHING to protect Florida’s right to protest. Zip! Nothing!
Call out what you see & it’s “crazy”. They are sleepwalking, dissociative, not bright or understandably, fighting to keep their mental health intact or heart in one piece. They say it’s hyperbole. Or dramatic.The descent into facism is a dramatic hell path.
Courage is contagious.
Be brave, loves.
Fear can be overcome, but once you switch sides it’s over. See Sinema, Manchin, Fetterman etc 😩
Honey, you're familiar like my mirror years ago
Idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword
Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me I should know
I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door.
But, as an incredibly stubborn person (I heard that oh so many times long ago)?
I took the Officer’s Oath 3 times.
The most important part?
I swore to defend the Constitution of the United States of America…
“…against all enemies, Foreign or Domestic…”
I will not be foresworn.
The fear is real.
There have to be a few GOP representatives and senators who see the danger in following him.
Child molesting pieces of shit. 👋
I'm living in a dystopian novel come true.
Its taken 250 years to build our Democracy, & 1 1/2 weeks w/one man trying to dismantle it.
I'm afraid, & mostly sad for so many who are being impacted so adversely.
I believe we will come together to overcome this
I had my head slammed into a locker for almost a week at school one year.. Want to know what stopped it? Wasn't talking to "Administrators" it was slamming the QBs head into the locker when he tried again.
#WeThePeople, together, have waaay more power than 🍊🤡 thinks.
"Action is the antidote to anxiety"
I still visit the other place and I’m appalled at the bs and lack of humanity I read over there.
I read posts from my home newspaper and cringe at at the conga line of suck-holes that are also forming there, echoing the insanity
We don’t have time for that.
Keep your soul. Help others keep theirs.
We fight. Justice is justice, law be damned.
Every pain we can ease or life preserved is a win.
You learn on the go. We can learn.
We can pivot.
We can do hard things.
His only honesty was when he said what he would do.
Project 2025 & Agenda 47 were honest. Cruel. Real.
We have: love to share, words to say & punches to throw.
I am disgusted & I want those who voted for tRump to feel their vote. I want those Republican states who rail about Federal pork to stop sucking slop from the Fed trough. I want their hierarchy to crumble without Fed money.
Iraq, and of course the Iranian hostage crisis. Rwanda, the Hungarian Revolution, in no particular order.
There have been very dark times in our history. Ruby Bridges, Lester Maddox and his ax handle. And many more.
My advice is to be ready to fight and be ready to leave.
Goldy Hyder
He said, Trump has changed our two countries forever. 😞
“It’s the nail in the coffin”
Trudeau responded
Canada is coming in stronger now.
Hopefully it involves Tesla.
6 PM ET 🥺
Feed here
I'm lucky in that my dad was a union steward and I only caught the propaganda from the community and that my parents encouraged me to go to college.
More than I ever remember.
Tricky Dick ended the draft with a lottery . Meanwhile he was a thug and we got him out of office.
I keep coming back to the same take. They (Dems) are all in fear mode. Fear of their party, the voters, the opposition, the felon president, and his merry band of idiots. Fear rules right now. That is what we must overcome.
who have dropped the ball.
Our leaders have always held us in contempt. They hid it well. Now we know.
We're better able to understand the task of overturning them.
We need all the courage at our disposal.
Today is needed
Meanwhile black and indigenous ppl are all “hold my beer”
The world was made for white guys and some of us got to tag along.
Now it’s for far fewer and we should’ve fought harder earlier!
Free Palestine!
Enforce US and international laws! Internally as well!
Courage is contagious.
Be brave, loves.