Suggestions to plan for the tariffs:
Dump a percentage of stocks like medical, climate or anything that huge china tariffs or this incoming Admin will hurt. Bank the cash, save to buy back in later
Buy things you'll need now! Do not contribute to the new Admin after Jan 20th
Get ur vaccines!
Dump a percentage of stocks like medical, climate or anything that huge china tariffs or this incoming Admin will hurt. Bank the cash, save to buy back in later
Buy things you'll need now! Do not contribute to the new Admin after Jan 20th
Get ur vaccines!
Computers, entertainment, phones.
Am I the only one seeing China invade Taiwan under Trump?
Me? I had some in my fun money account from years ago and a standing limit sell order. They sold automatically and I’m really happy they’re gone.
Wife now wants to shop Black Friday. May go 75".
And think about your pets. I'm concerned when they torpedo the regulations on the food falls under that as well.
I am buying things I may need in the next few years. Survival mode - did it before, can do it again.
If you try to get rid of the profit incentive (from which shareholders derive a benefit), you will drive them to become private, less transparent and more likely to behave unethically.
If u can get some meds in bulk now, do it
Pay off all credit cards
Everything you do now, saves you money next year