Those stupid motherfuckers wanted cheaper eggs & we ended up with:
Sexual assaulters
Putin apologists
Talk show hosts
And the most unqualified cabinet picks in history who are are out to destroy American Democracy
I hope they all fucking gag on their fucking eggs
Sexual assaulters
Putin apologists
Talk show hosts
And the most unqualified cabinet picks in history who are are out to destroy American Democracy
I hope they all fucking gag on their fucking eggs
I believe when we rebuild from the ashes, we will need to make passing a civics test mandatory to register to vote.
If people are stupid enough to think that the price of anything will really every go back to pre-COVID their delusional. That’s not how markets work and that would be deflation=BAD
BTW, they are pushing bibles.
When I said we were headed for ‘30s Germany in 2021, I was told the same thing.
I have most recently stated that rape will become legal.
So far, nobody disagreed.
Scary times, folks.
The rest of us will have to buckle up and hang on.
Every time he chooses one,
I can't help but be reminded of the lesson he learned from Roy Cohn!
It's a lesson he seems to bring, to every transaction.
Always choose people who owe you loyalty, people you can destroy, if they fail you! People who will be ruthless!
..........AMERICA IS NEXT 😡 !!!
America is fu(ked
“Protest” Voters
3rd Party Voters
Voters Who Stayed Home
there's a bird flu out there killing cattle & cats & has spread to humans.
germs don't care about politics
vaccines don't emerge overnight, & now this one probably won't be able to be vaccine vulnerable at all --the orange loons are Banning vaccines :-(
But yeah… eggs.
Trump administration will phase out the program that provides almost all of the nation’s flood insurance under the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
I despise low information voters aka conservatives.