Man, there is A LOT to say regarding this topic... I'll just say this; it's a shame that the few South East Asians in the socio-political spotlight is a pawn for WS and the greedy business class. Every group deserves better representation.
Ramaswamy is where is at because of the hard work and intelligent of people of many different colors and genders. He is like Musk and Trump in that they believe that THEY alone created their success.
Wait! So Education is good now? Along with science? Because you can’t get a job without advanced skills? I thought the Felon was going to create high paying jobs for all those high school graduates in Ohio? Guess not
People like Vivek and Elon are themselves to be blamed for what they are facing. They sided with people who really didn’t like them but were using them till they got elected.
Trump and Elon use each other but Elon’s dominance bothered Trump hence Laura the Loomer, a Jewish NeoNazi is doing his bid.
Scarecrow was right. Opening Twitter right now is like turning over a rock and watching all the bugs scurry out 😂
The same bugs Musk has been signal boosting and cultivating. The content of the posts suggest a lot of MAGA people don't like Indians and most accounts are fine with racism.
Demanding more hours doesn't get you more productivity, just the illusion of it.
Of course, since these clowns' wealth depends upon illusion (Tesla's current market cap is absurd), they have no problem with arguing more hours = more output.
This is true. I went along with the excessive hours until I figured out I could take a break and go to a yoga class, or sleep, or eat something nutritious. When I came back there would be the answer
The all-nighters hallucinated that they were doing brilliant work. People like me had to fix it
Or come from the upper caste surrounded by servants, chauffeurs, nannies & so much $$$$ & connections you couldn't ever fail unless you worked at it really hard--like maybe lording your excessive privilege over ppl who're already primed to want to kick your backside
Musk and Vivek have been there all along.
Talk about MAGA the way the talk about others and they get upset. Go figure. 🤔
Trump and Elon use each other but Elon’s dominance bothered Trump hence Laura the Loomer, a Jewish NeoNazi is doing his bid.
The same bugs Musk has been signal boosting and cultivating. The content of the posts suggest a lot of MAGA people don't like Indians and most accounts are fine with racism.
As someone who literally works in software development, my productivity noticeably diminishes after about seven hours.
It's not a lack of motivation, but mental fatigue. I keep pushing, but I can tell I'm not at my absolute best.
Of course, since these clowns' wealth depends upon illusion (Tesla's current market cap is absurd), they have no problem with arguing more hours = more output.
The all-nighters hallucinated that they were doing brilliant work. People like me had to fix it
These guys have never had to do it day in, day out, like you’re saying. They cosplay at the superman thing but they genuinely think they are.