Be aware, some block list are created maliciously and pretend to be helpful, I remember a IA Scam list that actually had a lot of good artist and when you or anyone asked the creator of that list to delete them they would add them to the list. That list has been deleted but there are countless other
Really, I just wish there was a way to look over the list (exists),click one button to block everyone currently on it, but not whoever gets added tomorrow. Currently, as far as I can tell, it's manual to do that
Yeah I'm hoping a feature like this will get implemented at some point.. because you can't just unsub from a list without it unblocking every person on that list.
Of course! We don’t *have* to deal with people like we did on the other site. They don’t *have* to cross a line, we can just go “I don’t want to see you” and then stop seeing them
This one scared me because I do love a reply, and I made this pfp specifically to make fun of all the "white dudes in sunglasses" pfps so I was worried I might get swept up.
But, looking at the accounts you've got on there, I'd like to think I will hopefully stay clear of ending up on it.
And someone brought up that they saw a trans woman on there (there wasn’t, that account isn’t on the list), but again: @ me if there is.
It is very likely someone got put there while posting out of pocket shit before adding an avi or bio and I made a judgment call. Just ask for an update
Thanks, Logan. So if I subscribe to this list, will BlueSky automatically start blocking these guys, or do I need to block them individually? Sorry, just figuring this all out.
Of course! I would recommend doing this with a lot of lists. Community moderation is strongest when you’re layering it with overlapping lists. So, say, my fash list (linked) may not have the same people as someone else’s. You’ll want to sub to multiple
The worst thing about this site is block lists. You're blocking someone you've never encountered because someone you don't know doesn't ever want you to encounter them.
Why would I ever want to encounter a racist or a bigot though? I did do some random checks of a couple the accounts on the lists I subscribed to (the ones whose bios were not instantly clear on the matter), and I saw no issue with instant blocking them based on the first few posts.
I live with my mother and she's MAGA, I can barely tolerate her. Her stupidity continues to amaze me, I'm not going to intentionally flood my feed with people I tend to get mad at.
A half dozen times, just in the last two days, I've seen a post about a user I should block... and they were already auto-blocked for me by block-lists.
You can subscribe to Lists. Your choices are to just Subscribe (which will create a new tab of just those accounts), Mute all posts from those users, or Block all those users.
The block list subscriptions work wonders and I am so grateful for the people assembling them for us
But, looking at the accounts you've got on there, I'd like to think I will hopefully stay clear of ending up on it.
It is very likely someone got put there while posting out of pocket shit before adding an avi or bio and I made a judgment call. Just ask for an update
Furthermore, when new people are added to the list, your mutes and blocks are updated accordingly with no action required on your part
It's a good system.