I tell people all the time…
If you REALLY want to understand Trump and why he is popular, you need to understand wrestling.
I mean that.
Deep down I mean it.
If you REALLY want to understand Trump and why he is popular, you need to understand wrestling.
I mean that.
Deep down I mean it.
Reposted from
Aaron Rupar
lmao get a load of Trump's WWE-style entrance at Turning Point's AmericaFest
Case closed.
Opens on the WWE culture in America
A chilling read, but necessary.
It’s easy. He’s easy.
Cartoonish villainy that has no qualms tapping into people’s worst behavior. It’s not difficult to understand & doesn’t take a genius to do.
You just need some charisma & no decency.
One word . . . . .
My forever MAGAt brother always loved pro wrestling. Still loves MMA. Still an Alex Jones fan. Lord, help him.
I ve maintained this WWE analogy.
Exhibit A: Fake trump “assassination” & ear “graze”.
Pro wrestlers trick during a match (or orchestrated campaign speech) is to cut your’ ear or forehead to draw blood on your face / head.
Technique in the trade is called “gigging” or “drawing color” .
Well, they got it.
FAFO coming soon!
Neokayfabe BAYBEEEEE
Fake ass & they don't care.
Old politics had Marquis of Queensbury rules (bigoted as they were).
Todays politics is at best MMA, kick in the groin, at worst WWWF (that's how old I am)