I'd rather see us mount a campaign to bring them back to truth. Removing them admits we see this as a permanent state. We can work toward that not being the case.
They will not take them domwn because, in typical and cynical conservative fashion, those words on the monument will help them to simulate what they are not.
Many Americans deprived of justice might argue compellingly that these words were never true - Native Americans, first, African Americans whose ancestors were enslaved and who struggled under Jim Crow, successive waves of poor immigrants, the working class, the poor and unsheltered. 1/
The idea of American democracy has always been an aspiration. That half of America is now joining those in history who called for America to live up to its ideals means that we need to confront hypocrisy 2/
and place ourselves in the struggle for justice, and shape the country into the virtuous democracy we truly want it to be. Let's truly make the words "equal justice under the law" mean something. Let's not give those who mock justice the satisfaction of our resignation and surrender.
Those words have never been true. If they were, the punishments for blue collar and white collar crimes wouldn't be as different as they are. (And not in the favor of the less wealthy)
Which isn't to say that we shouldn't fight to make things better. But let's be honest with ourselves.
What a shame and disaster the institutions in our country have become. I feel such sadness for what will be lost. I feel such anger at those we elected and trusted to safeguard us.
They must boldly act and protect our democracy…don’t hand it to the insurrectionists.
They were never accurate. Everything save the patriarchy was property, no voice , no legal standing and no vote. We have been sold a bill of goods for years
A big red X would be quite a message that is not violent in anyway although it is technically illegal -and the person might get arrested. I would be afraid to be arrested for anything today.
The whole world is mocking America for having just handed over a country that was on the road to beautiful to a Nazi who is already making it an ugly
Sad because the frivolous lawsuits are all getting thrown out? Lawfare not working in your favor?
Will be interesting to see what investigations now open up!
Based on what comes out of the US media industry, i would suggest it was never accurate. Think about it, most of your films/series are about law enforcement, lawyers and the abuse of power by the powerful (corporations, evil politicians...etc). It should read "might is right".
Fuckery at it's best! We're screwed. I'm moving out of this failing country. I know I can't take anymore of him & the con men, liars, cheaters, rapists & all the other criminals in our government. They can not even pass a secret or top secret clearance. They don't care as long as they're YES MEN.
Years from now when people look back at this disaster they will realize that the Democrats should have fought harder against the GOP. It’s so very sad.
Time circumstances and situations change. "Nature's first green is gold. Her hardest hue to hold " Robert Frost understood things change. It doesn't mean those thorns destroy the beauty of the rose. We must always see the beginning. Mankind's 1st emotion is love. We will find our North Star.
This court allowed delays and bad cases and then awarded immunity to one of the criminals in those cases. The fault is not Garlands alone. This court screwed us badly from Roe to trump.
I can't tell you how many times the system has failed me. I wound up growing up in a home where my father raped and trafficked my older sister and me and no one did a damn thing about it.
The fact is Trump NEVER should have been allowed to
Run in 16. The DOJ had plenty of dirt on him with fraud and election tampering, etc
He should have been arrested long before 2016.
Democrats and the DOJ coddle domestic terrorists and the rich.
The failed us, miserably.
No offense to anyone. And I truly mean that. If you grew up in a major US city.
And watched white collar criminals and politicians. Walk on crimes they committed.Time after time. You never believed the slogan or that
He’d be held accountable.
Magna Carta was the reason Charles I could be tried for treason.
Which isn't to say that we shouldn't fight to make things better. But let's be honest with ourselves.
They must boldly act and protect our democracy…don’t hand it to the insurrectionists.
Hope Dies Last!
hetero male
needs to be stricken, too.
Will be interesting to see what investigations now open up!
"...with liberty and justice for all...some day"
Gives me hope?
Oligarchs rule.
Too bad an entire generation has never heard a note of it in their lives.
Imagine people loving democracy enough to bleed for it.
Is more accurate
They need to define “equal” justice.
welcome to the end.
Run in 16. The DOJ had plenty of dirt on him with fraud and election tampering, etc
He should have been arrested long before 2016.
Democrats and the DOJ coddle domestic terrorists and the rich.
The failed us, miserably.
" Just Us "
“Money Talks”
It is tyranny
And watched white collar criminals and politicians. Walk on crimes they committed.Time after time. You never believed the slogan or that
He’d be held accountable.
When was it accurate? First of all, 51% of people in the US do not have rights in the Constitution.