Tweeter was a little aggressive and toxic but after Elon became a Fascist environment. A lot of porno aggressive and frustrated people. I quit in January because it
You should really define your terms before using them. Your definition of hate seems to include banning unpopular opinions. My definition of hate includes taking unjust actions to hurt people who are innocent of deserving any punishment. Innocence is hard to prove so we allow criticism not bullying.
The neat thing about blocks here is that they can be enumerated and used to give handles a "score" of a kind. So hopefully the civil tone (outside of the bots) and better engagement will continue.
I really like this comment in relation to the original post here.
You don't see the contradiction in pretending that that place is toxic and then saying that sure, the same toxic people are over here because it's better?
No because it's a result of their entire worldview being built on taking others down while having zero constructive ability. They need the audience because they know their commentary has zero value outside of the reaction. Its like watching a child use their first swear word.
It's ironic because you'll find the majority of anyone that supports any american candidate is against bigoted, hatred and unjustified stereotypical discrimination.
It's the media that wraps the extremes up into these echo chambers of talking points, and the lack of the ability to negotiate imo.
This 'person' you're replying to is a propagandist. You're better off not engaging with them, it just encourages them to spend more time spreading filth on this site
The truth is brutal. After failing to discredit Trump they should obviously cowardly run. Why don't they leave America till the end of his term, or forever is cool with me. The days of propagating engineered narratives are fading away. CNN, BBC, etc have new lessons to learn. Propaganda is history.
100% correct. It feels good at first to shoot them down but they are after the engagement. Responding to them does nothing except make them seem like legitimate actors
Not to mention they don’t understand what debating is. Starting an argument then immediately beginning to hurl the most evil accusations before inviting others to dog pile on to you is no debate I’ve ever heard of.
The thing is, none of them are swing voters. Just die hard, Dems. So Republicans will get to spew whatever hate and lie they want to influence swing voters.
However, let’s not get things twisted! If these flocking journalists begin both-siding a story or coming at us with ridiculous ledes, they will be shunned! These institutions have damaged our country and led us down this path!
Truth can always be toxic to those with a preconceived and immutable vision. Take for example the vile toxicity of the statement, “there are only two genders”.
“We will go out and find the conspirators, not just in government but in the media…We’re going to come after the people in the media who helped Joe Biden rig presidential elections -we’re going to come after you. Whether it’s criminally or civilly..”
I have experience watching young platforms grow.
Most of them were very fun when they were just created.
And almost every one of them grew into a monstrosity.
Blu will too. It will stay on the left side.
But all the nasty people on older platforms will be here eventuallyl.
Mostly 99% bigoted, but only against MAGA, Trump, his supporters, anyone who disagrees with me, and anyone who thinks critically of my bigoted echo chamber construction using excessive blocking and ignorance.
1% cat pictures, sunset pictures and space photography.
Is this even legitimate? I've seen so much toxic stuff over here and pretending that it's just on x is like pretending society is just on x.
Low level arguments on the hierarchy of disagreement. Hate and bigoted comments about groups of people. People getting blocked for disagreeing appropriately.
You don't see the contradiction in pretending that that place is toxic and then saying that sure, the same toxic people are over here because it's better?
Expressing traits that they are pretending to condemn doesn't strike them as odd at all?
It's rather humorous if it wasn't so sad. Watching these people stand on ethics while being unethical. Virtue signaling while being bigoted? Lol
It's the media that wraps the extremes up into these echo chambers of talking points, and the lack of the ability to negotiate imo.
You already have attracted one.
I reported it as a maga troll.
“We will go out and find the conspirators, not just in government but in the media…We’re going to come after the people in the media who helped Joe Biden rig presidential elections -we’re going to come after you. Whether it’s criminally or civilly..”
Twitter is so toxic MAGA folks have come to infect the site with hate.
Most of them were very fun when they were just created.
And almost every one of them grew into a monstrosity.
Blu will too. It will stay on the left side.
But all the nasty people on older platforms will be here eventuallyl.
1% cat pictures, sunset pictures and space photography.
Low level arguments on the hierarchy of disagreement. Hate and bigoted comments about groups of people. People getting blocked for disagreeing appropriately.
Will find it to be too boring.
"The medium is the message" has never been more true when it comes to social media platforms.