Just a senior member of the Trump administration amplifying a claim that Stalin, Mao and Hitler aren’t responsible for the deaths of millions of people.
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Yikes. Eeeeverybody needs to get informed, organized, and active asap before it’s too late 👇 know the agenda so you can counter it, spread the word and get ready for more
University of Pennsylvania: rescind degrees or accept the shame of a graduate senior advisor to a felon president🦅 WWBFD (what would benjamin franklin do)🦅Private education strikes again for tyranny💔
They may not have personally pulled the trigger, dropped the Zyklon B into the gas chambers, or starved millions, but they created the circumstances that made sure those things happened.
Just like Trump during the last pandemic.
All the news media that have been treating Trump as if he was another Gerald Ford now reprimand Trump for not firing the psychopath like Ford did his ag secretary BUTZ
This is where we are. The 76M are irredeemable. But we can try to get the 5M Biden voters back who didn't show up for Kamala, and put it out or reach for the meddling Phony.
I just keep shaking my head Andrew. And as I'm hearing SOME reporters say - WHY aren't more members of Congress, and the WH press corps allowing this? We know why, but it's definitely frustrating to watch. AND to have to keep apologizing to Canada, Greenland, the world 🙄
Yep.I was just going to post this. UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE!
Tech billionaire Elon Musk, who serves as an advisor to U.S. President Donald Trump, shared a post on social media platform X on Thursday which said "Stalin, Mao, and Hitler didn't murder millions of people.Their public sector employees did."
Well of course 3 people alone could not murder millions of people. That’s WHY they made sure everyone under them was LOYAL ONLY TO THEM! Sound familiar to anyone paying attention to the Trump purges and replacements?
Holy shit!! This explains a lot. Musk has said the bureaucracy is really in control and unchecked. He’s called govt agencies weeds that need to be rooted out. AND now he retweets a post saying that Hitler did not kill millions of people, but his public sector workers did!! Holy F***!!!
If Trumpy didn't take responsibility for those Covid deaths why should Stalin, Mao, and Hitler be responsible for the millions of deaths under their regimes?
If you try and search for any articles about this, there is a single article by Haaretz and that's it. Why the fuck is their no coverage? No wonder no one knows what's going on
This warped, perverted, grossly distorted thinking isn’t from a mentally well head! Our American society, along with the global society will now pay the very exorbitant toll resulting from the eternal imbalance between our focus on physical health vs mental health! The cost in lives will be high!
"The Public Sector Workers-Who Weren't Murdered In The Purges-Did".
Just To Clarify...
Just like Trump during the last pandemic.
Boycott his products, choke off the oxygen of an evil machine!
Big diff!
tRump IS A VICTIM - persecuted like Jesus was!
Where can I sign up for this DEATH CULT?
Tech billionaire Elon Musk, who serves as an advisor to U.S. President Donald Trump, shared a post on social media platform X on Thursday which said "Stalin, Mao, and Hitler didn't murder millions of people.Their public sector employees did."
This is a continuation of the war on teachers and other dedicated public servants.
He’s “our USA Glorious Leader.”
They are all part of the cult.
Trump didn’t create Trump, Inc. His daddy did.