I remember the same far-faux-left horseshoe tankies fond to complaining about the supposed “Russia hoax" a few years back used to act as apologists for pre-GOP-era Tulsi Gabbard. Wonder what they think of her now. Nobody should be surprised, but I expect her anti-gay-activist daddy's real proud.
Reposted from
Erin Reed
1. Today, the NYT has reported that 100 members of an ERG-adjacent LGBTQ+ chat in the intelligence community have been fired.
This is a new McCarthyism, a new lavender scare meant to remove LGBTQ+ in government, and the way this was done should shake us all.
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This is a new McCarthyism, a new lavender scare meant to remove LGBTQ+ in government, and the way this was done should shake us all.
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