Definitely, you had at minimum something probably articulated as a "high threat detail" actually responsible for moving Mangione from his van or helicopter or whatever, into Rikers, and you can be sure Mayor Adams insertion into the photo op meant he had a detail that probably reinforced itself 1/
because of the "high threat" articulation. Two coinciding "high threat" protection details, probably demanded aerial cover from at least two helicopters etc. That the event was media saturated dictated by policy more manpower, etc. You see how this works. The smarter thing would have been to do 2/
*not a perp walk.* Just treat it like the extradition of every other murderer who gets extradited from one jurisdiction to another (or which there are many). Don't stage an event, just have a PIO state when he's been secured at Rikers and if the media bawls tell them to eff off. 3/
What we saw was just mythology building.NYPD's only real messaging is "Come to New York. If you're of a social economic status usually of the mindset that you're safe from murder, we'll challenge you; and if you are murdered, we'll make sure to parade the guy who did it when someone else find him 4/
I do feel bad for the David Caruso guy on the left of the picture. You know he had zinger ready before Roger Daltry's scream during the credits, but that's not something you do with the Mayor six feet from you and you want to advance in this club. 5/5
Thanksgiving Day Parade, 1974