When do the ghosts visit him, and do they dispense with trying to reform him and just hand pitchforks to the people in the market? Because I am here for that version, apologies to Mr. Dickens.
What part of THEY DO NOT CARE does he not understand?
Of course it's a shitshow, and the Republicans and President Musk do not care. Matters not a whit to them when you try to shame them. Their photos are illustrations of the word SHAMELESS in the dictionary.
“investing... seems to have undergone a kind of semantic shriveling. On the list of its big, beautiful, original definitions? To devote resources for a useful purpose. To endow with rights. To clothe.”
Also, 45 always always always betrays those around him. Why even bother putting in so much work unless the “opportunity” was foisted upon Bezos by faux king 47.
Billionaires have no commitment to morals, ethics. For them, the world is a board game with infinite money to play with. They would rather lead the world to a scorched Earth if that adds another nickel to their hoard.
And that is the stupidest fucking shit. When will they finally learn that they need therapy for their megalomania, not more money to fuel their ego that will never be satisfied with more?
Christ almighty...if you're a billionaire you're expected to socialize with other billionaires. Fending off parasites, clingers on and users while looking for some they can cling to and use as good little parasites must.
Of course it's a shitshow, and the Republicans and President Musk do not care. Matters not a whit to them when you try to shame them. Their photos are illustrations of the word SHAMELESS in the dictionary.
Cool line.
Watching Bezos, Zuck and others beclown themselves for Trump is so embarrassing (for them).
They must really hate that part of their lives...