Hickinbottom was very taken by the young, malnourished feral tuxedo kitty. Amethyst's lacked a ship's cat, so naming him "Simon" he drafted him into service.
To avoid the possibility of disagreement with this plan, Simon was smuggled aboard under his tunic, past the ship's watch. 3/25
To avoid the possibility of disagreement with this plan, Simon was smuggled aboard under his tunic, past the ship's watch. 3/25
Which is how, after departure from Hong Kong, Lt Cdr Griffiths (the ship's captain) discovered they now had a cat. 4/25
As George recalled later:
"He warned me that if he saw any muck on board, he'd have me up on a charge" 5/25
In late 1948 Lt Cdr Skinner assumed command. Luckily he was a cat lover too. Simon's rank was reconfirmed. 6/25
Skinner and Simon also formed a close bond. With full captain's cabin privileges granted for snoozing at all times. 7/25
Mistaking her passage for an American naval intervention, Amethyst was heavily shelled by the Chinese PLA 8/25
The wounded radioman managed one message:
"Under heavy fire. Am aground in approx. position 31.10' North 119.20' East. Large number of casualties" 9/25