Lots of special animals and pets buried in the PDSA London animal cemetery.
But my first visit is always to Able Seacat Simon. Only feline recipient of the animal Victoria Cross.
"During the Yangtse Incident, his behavour was of the highest order."
Thread below. #navalHistory
But my first visit is always to Able Seacat Simon. Only feline recipient of the animal Victoria Cross.
"During the Yangtse Incident, his behavour was of the highest order."
Thread below. #navalHistory
(I wonder if the nature of so many cats to look after themselves first is why not more won a medal...)
Dogs, pigeons and horses make up the bulk of Dickin medal recipients as they're more front line.
Although, oddly, the feline naval role means there were likely more cats than dogs present during the D-Day landings.
Once the landing area is secured, you send in the dogs!
Going ashore is for lesser beings that don't.
The 'Good Boy' myth the wehraboos push is just that. A myth.