I do nothing but listen to history audiobooks all day at work and I am gaining more insight to what it must have been like living under an Iron Age king. "Oh, so that's why peasants always support a demagogue and why aristocrats were nutty as fuck".
We need to bring back mandatory civics education. Instilling a sense of civic duty as being a very patriotic thing to do again. It is the apathy at the voting booth that continually and needlessly traumatizes the entire country for 4 years at a time.
I feel you!
I can't come up with sufficient adjectives to describe what a dumbfuck evil madman he & his posee of posers & psychophants are.
Just that Dante was impassioned to write his Inferno with these twatwaffles in mind~
Why do Americans, North Americans, Southern Americans, Europeans, the Middle Eastarns, Asians & South East Asians and Antipodeans (apologies for who I have missed/misrepresented have to suffer the bullshit of just one man (and his master)? Billions vs just 2? Let’s shut this shit down
Project 2026.
True-blue red-blooded American patriots step up & remove Trump from office by any means necessary.
If the military that We the People pay to protect & defend our Constitution & die for our Liberty ain't going to do it, then We the People will have to do it ourselves by Revolution.
That's what always happens when you take your abusive exe back!
I've upped my popcorn intake - still tariff free!
We're getting what the dumbest person in Wyoming asked for.
I wonder if our system needs tweaking.
I can't come up with sufficient adjectives to describe what a dumbfuck evil madman he & his posee of posers & psychophants are.
Just that Dante was impassioned to write his Inferno with these twatwaffles in mind~
"Thursday" - PM Trudeau's response. 🇨🇦 🤙
They're skods. Special Kind of Dumbfucks.
SEVERAL dumbfuck madMEN. Credit where it's due. It's a dumbfuck team effort, yo.🍀
True-blue red-blooded American patriots step up & remove Trump from office by any means necessary.
If the military that We the People pay to protect & defend our Constitution & die for our Liberty ain't going to do it, then We the People will have to do it ourselves by Revolution.