Tenth: minimal answers! Know the rules of your visa!
“What’s your purpose?”
“Attending a business meeting.”
“Are you planning to work?”
You want to say yes to this! Attending a meeting is work, right? Wrong answer.
“Just attending the meeting for my job.”
“What’s your purpose?”
“Attending a business meeting.”
“Are you planning to work?”
You want to say yes to this! Attending a meeting is work, right? Wrong answer.
“Just attending the meeting for my job.”
If I say it was for “research,” they ask questions.
If I say “for a conference,” they have questions.
Vacation? They rarely ask anything.
I do often go to a conference and end up visiting a friend for a few days.
Curious how you’d answer this.
I once was stripped searched in Dallas cause the agent said: "Oh, you live in Hawaii, I visited there once, horrible weather"
My response: "Yeah, it can't compare to Dallas just the worst ever, all sunshine and rainbows in Hawaii"
We got passport photos taken professionally but they were AWFUL
Wrong lens- made our noses look twice the size they were
The guard worked through the family, eyebrows slowly rising, got to our youngest (pretty girl & worst photo) & corpsed
As did we all
The UK also has a rather serious border from my experience
“Visiting my family. They live in Wichita. This is their address.”
“Just doing some sightseeing. I’m planning to visit XYZ National Park.”
Again: documentation. If you say you’re going to Disney have tickets to Disney handy.
I know for a fact he saw the stamp in there from 3 weeks prior when I was last there.
But with them, at times the way to get through without a hassle is to BORE them with a long, droning, too-detailed explanation or description of things/people/events.