Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person, you know, since she shit on all of her American sisters by refusing to add the ERA to the Constitution even though it’s ratified
she was the person who refused to publish the ERA and had a WSJ profile about removing exhibits and displays on Civil Rights and other key historical events that featured BIPOC people.
The ERA wasn't ratified. Live in the real world already. That fight was lost by the early 1980s, and you can't win it by pulling a fast one. Shogan did the right thing.
A president has no role in the constitutional amendment process. So Biden was engaged in symbolic politics when he made his declaration. Shogan followed the Constitution and the Courts' rulings.
"“In 2020 and again in 2022, the Office of Legal Counsel of the U.S. Department of Justice affirmed that the ratification deadline established by Congress for the ERA is valid and enforceable..."
Culture? History and identity preservation? Not important, not necessary, right? This man is dangerous to America, to the Americans and to the rest of the world.
They belong to us
We 'hire' these people. We the people can fire them.