G is still great, but the best cards look slightly different. Scurryfoot is the common to play, while Ketradon is doing worse - in higher tiers people come prepared for your 6/6 dumb guy, so you can't rely on it as much as in lower tiers. Part of that prep - Bestow Greatness has great stats.
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All B pairs look very playable, albeit with some caveats (you want to have Haunt the Network to start drafting UB).
U does exist mainly on uncommon level with some absolute stars (Refueler, Stock Up, Skyray, blue shell and Transit Mage).
Yes - Dimir decks win less. But Dimir with Haunt the network already has 63% WR - more that generic GB or UG deck. Showing you how tightly packed are those decks. Finding open lane is better than trying to force Green.
WB can be great. UR and BR decks can compete with G ones. Open artifact synergy lane is amazing. Look for those options and who knows, maybe it will compensate for you horrible standard deck choice!