New/old moralists believe that God wants us to follow moral laws invented by fearful or manipulative humans. Remember The Bridges of Madison County or Romeo and Juliet to understand that love is not a moral issue.
I had a very traditional Protestant education, starting with Genesis and Exodus. It didn't do me any harm. I learned that the God that Christians worship destroyed the world in a flood, and Sodom and Gomorrah. And then killed the firstborn sons of Egypt. Parts of the New Testament were quite nice.
I believe that there is a place for learning religion in school but it should be ALL religions, not just whatever religion is most popular in your area.
There is definitely a place for religion and philosophy in broadening people's perspectives.
Anyone for that matter. People need to help support and even correct each one in civil respectable ways. Keep the tension down and have critical thinking skills to protect one another from donger.
Well that's unfortunately too logical and they don't like logic or maybe they don't understand it, victimizing those who don’t share your delusional views, focusing on hatred of others and greed, these teachings have never uplifted anybody, only kept them afraid and accepting of perpetual cruelty.
Not all churches are bad. I like pastors like Senator Warnock who haven't lost sight of what Jesus's teachings really are. The "conservatives" have lost sight of them. And/or they use religion to hide their nasty nature so they still have a respecable reputation. 🖕 those guys!
I went to Catholic school as a child, when there were only nuns teaching, but when we lived in Europe for a span of time we went to DoDs schools. If you want a child to learn about faith, teach it at home or in your church.
I lived in a neighborhood where many of the kids went to a Catholic school. Their nuns made the "bad" kids kneel in the corner of the room IN a container of hard rice grains for 30 min to an hour. Being bad = talking w/out permission and/or not having your assignment on time etc.
Actually, my brother and I were never disciplined by the nuns or priest at our school. When my parents enrolled us my father told them, “whatever you do to my children I will do to you”, so if we acted up my dad handled it. Trust me, we were well behaved children.😉
Sorry, Department of Defense schools located in military bases for the children of the military stationed at the base. The teachers had to have at least a Master’s in Education or, preferably, a PhD. When I left Catholic school my brother and I entered in the DoD’s school system overseas.
I went to Catholic school for 12 years and often times wonder how the lessons on morality, empathy, and compassion I learned seem to be so widely different from the lessons learned by many of my classmates.
Religion should be taught exclusively, by atheists. God-botherers are bias and their opinions on the subject are anecdotal at best. No child should ever listen to a word that they say in Christian silos. Religion is the kind of thing that is best discussed in a paragraph in a text-book as a footnote
That’s because the values you want your kids to have aren’t taught in any institution…even church. They are taught & modeled AT HOME. That’s why no external coercion to make it happen will not work. This observation is coming from a devoted Jesus follower. You cannot force Christianity. Period.
Not everyone goes/can go to church. the government makes people sit driving tests for car and they still have accidents but it doesnt mean they should stop thats why driving is also taught in some progressive schools. I did it.
These are words my brain and lips have needed for a long time! I'll use this when defending freedom from religion.
I still have to add the cliche "Spiritual, not religious", even though it is nobodies business.
I've been an atheist most of my life. Not believing in a mythological God's. I find it quite ironic that people profess they love God and they know all about all and yet they reject reality and truth. How can they fit into our society. I'm not going to be fitting into theirs anytime soon.
Just imagine for one moment there is NO GOD watching you from above and what would you do? Will you do something immoral? If your answer is no, then why believe in god instead of yourself my friend?
The only individual that’s try hard 2implement Religion in Schools in felon. Cant America see how he’s changed the dynamics of legit Politics. He’s a con. Wants to work America as a mobster. As a dictators he told his people that he’ll be their dictator 1st day. His people applauded and in Happiness
My education degree did not include teaching the Bible. I read TX is already changing the words from Genesis, age appropriate. Instead of be fruitful and multiply, they're learning it means growing fruit. Is that where that apple came from. 🤔 Ridiculous
Because they’re trying to snag the kids that don’t go to church while simultaneously claiming they aren’t trying to force you to do follow their religion
And women are nothing more than chattel to the Catholic Church. I went to Catholic school through 8th grade. After we moved to Illinois, only public schools were available. I'm SO glad that's how it worked out because it expanded my horizons and made me question the Church's 🐂💩. 💙
The entire ideology is based on subjugation and oppression of women. They are patriarchal systems meant to manipulate and control populations. Without indoctrination, religion would cease to exist in a generation or two.
I bet we could shut down religion in schools REAL QUICK... if other religions demanded THEIR SCHOOLS also be funded by Taxpayer dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
It’s hard to believe that so many institutions, churches and people would turn their own against God. It is even harder to believe how many of these places and people prove that there is no God.
Bible Teaching was meant to be done at home.... "And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."
Deuteronomy 6 : 7
There is definitely a place for religion and philosophy in broadening people's perspectives.
لا الہ الااللہ محمد رسول اللّٰہ
Do wrong
Go the priest
Feel clean again.
Go buy "Love, laugh, live" merchandising and/or tell people to "Breathe" in social networks.
I still have to add the cliche "Spiritual, not religious", even though it is nobodies business.
Keep it there!
Don’t fucking indoctrinate my kid, k thanks!
The nail that sticks up will soon be pounded down. (Attribution: Japanese saying)
Deuteronomy 6 : 7
We want the IRS in churches