I see the phrase "competitive authoritarianism" thrown around a lot on here and while that may be descriptive of the moment we're in I cannot stress enough that you should never say that phrase to a normal voter and instead just say Trump's trying to be king.
1. They were already onboard
2. They were being led by literal teachers,
and 3. Half of them forgot that shit when Bukele started up
Dem messaging needs to go back to a 5th grade level.
He's a dictator. He's acting like a dictator.
"We're smarter than that" was the death of the party.
They should pay attention to that Malcolm X quote at the beginning of Cult Of Personality:
"And in the few moments we have left, we want to talk right down to earth in a language that everybody here can easily understand."
"Illegal power grab that violates the Constitution" might be better phrasing
They have to prove that they are smart.
They also HATE using a line they have used before. ‘I already said that. Give me something new.’ Then they wonder why people don’t know what Ds stand for.
Specifics don’t matter to the public, using common language is key. Another way Dems are so out of touch.
Find out what issue resonates with the voter, and then hammer it in as simple terms as possible.
"King" has resisted redefinition so far.
Just say he’s crashing the economy and letting tech elites who are trying to eliminate your jobs loot the country.
Trump take egg. Trump crash plane. Trump spread measles.
Orange man bad
Russian vlad bad
Trump made eggs expensive. Trump made beef expensive. Trump made milk expensive. Trump spread measles. Trump crash plane. Trump crash economy. Trump make gas cost lots money. Trump declared himself king. The king fucked up. Simple.
I swear bro I wasn't even gonna say that
Weber on sultanic patrimonialism is good stuff just not for campaigning
We now have two choices. Live free or kneel to your MAGA king like a slave.
Color? Gender? Race? Immigrant? Rural? Urban? Worker? Boss? Poor? Rich? Red? Blue? Your flag is one of these.
I know which one is mine.
"wannabee absolute monarch"