Former US Army Commander in Europe :
"Shame on us that we haven’t done everything that we could to help Ukraine win…I think we are going to rue the day that we allowed Russia to continue doing what it's doing now,while we still have a chance to actually help Ukraine"
"Shame on us that we haven’t done everything that we could to help Ukraine win…I think we are going to rue the day that we allowed Russia to continue doing what it's doing now,while we still have a chance to actually help Ukraine"
Reasonable sane people like Ben are a minority in the US.
I hope we in Europe drastically increasr military spending. We will have a war with Russia if Ukraine cant liberate its country
Let’s make it happen:
Let it be our truth
Know it in your heart
Believe it with all your soul
Разом ми переможемо
Arm Ukraine to win.
Shame on us all!
Someone with authority to speak, speaks up about the sorry state of Western support for Ukraine.
Crimea is Ukraine!!!
Politicians used to include former military. Very few tday.
Tday most Western "leaders" r a bunch of limpdicks. Whining abt Escalation! All the while rusdia cont to escalate.
Embarrassing. Unconscionable.
“us” aren’t calling the shots
If you feel that way don’t deflect to the american people who have been failing
Direct your criticism in a timely manner on the last days of Biden presidency
Trump will do everything to help russia
So Biden failed i’m sorry