"The Baltics should belong to Russia", according to Russian MP and deputy head of the Defense Committee of the Duma, Aleksei Zhuravlev.
In particular, he claimed that Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania was rightfully Russian, as it was part of the Russian Empire.
In particular, he claimed that Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania was rightfully Russian, as it was part of the Russian Empire.
Expanding on Trump's statements, you get Oceania (black: add anglophone countries, SA, Greenland and Nunavut)
Eastasia (yellow): China gets to fight over Manchuria
Couldn’t shake my had hard enough.🫨
(which also was ended)
Get over it.
If the answer is yes, then yes they claim sovereignty of your bathroom.
Not sure what we would do with all the drunks.
1. Release high nationalistic statements by deputies, so as to make Putin look like a moderate.
2. Slowly and continuously put this seed in the brain of the russian population.
3. A few years later, Putin's statement that Baltics States are russian will look perfectly normal.
Democracy is not compatible with empire.
The Empire must be defeated . I'm sure @markhamillofficial.bsky.social agree🫵
A tribe of oppressors and murderers!
This also shows how important it was for Baltic states to join NATO.
How many more generations will it take to break the yoke?
Russians need to follow Ukraine as an example of how this happens and more of them need to join those Ukrainian guy's in Kursk.
A bit like this, IMO
What kind of an id10t still believes in "security concerns", "saving the ruSSian speaking people", or the "Ukrainian are Nazis", as excuses for ruSSian imperialism?
Chauvinistic old man it was
Tula and Tver, for example, were outside of it.
I prefer this setup and consider the dark green area as the largest tolerable size of Russia for any foreseeable future.
La #Russie court à l'effondrement avec #Poutine.
La misère est à tous les coins de rue.
Russia doesn't understand international commitments or the concept of allies.
I'm so sick of the pussy-footing appeasement western governments give to Putin. They won't stop until all of Eastern Europe belongs to them, and then they'll reach for Western Europe.
Kill 'em all. Tear it down.
Moscow won't withstand longer than one day, or second ...
Yes, they know abut Russia's losses, but their purpose is to encourage Russians to want to invade other nations and to distract them from Ukraine.
How to explain their involvement to their kids? "Look at the nice house you grew up in, the expensive food, the luxuries you had".
And so the next generation gets involve in one way or another.
A bunch of deluded losers
This sounds like propaganda for the national Russian audience.
Whatever victory takes, right now 🔥
The man should instead listen to Boris Johnson: There is not any Russian Empire.
If some of them develop into actually useful business partners, then fine.
I have been there and the condition of the area is mostly terrible. Who has the money to fix that all? 👀
even the ruzzian past records are mixed at best ... Livonia wars, Khiva, Crimean war, Japan, WWI, Finland, Afghanistan, first Chechen war, Syria ... to name just few