Last night,Russia launched a very deliberate&demonstrative massive strike on Odesa: that's the ceasefire you get.
This is very usual for prison culture:to beat up& kill demonstratively.
I will repeat the facts once more:
Russia is a terrorist state.
Putin is a war criminal
This is very usual for prison culture:to beat up& kill demonstratively.
I will repeat the facts once more:
Russia is a terrorist state.
Putin is a war criminal
European nations need to team up, send troops into Ukraine, and prepare for a full scale war
What does that make us?
(AOC & Jasmine Crockett for Pres and Vice) or (Al Green and Chris Murphy)? Please like for AOC & repost for Al Green.
#traitortrump AND his three eldest fraudster kids are habitual criminals.
The whole "Biden Crime Family" BS was never anything but projection.
The twice-impeached criminally seditious traitor and lifelong fraudster is at least the THIRD GENERATION mob boss of his crime family; his dad and
Vlad has Orange’s balls in a vice
Agent Orange should Fed Ex a White flag to Vlad and get it fucking over with
We can see #Putin’s hand up your ass dummy.
is going #LIVE with
3 PA County Analysis Livestream 7pm EST:
Sign the petition to help us bring publicity for audits! 👇🏽
#VerifyTheVote #Pennsylvania
In this case, why does the U.S. have no concrete reaction?
If any other country had defied the U.S. like this, what would the U.S. reaction have been?!
'I'll end this war Day One'.
Just another lie. 😡
You know. Like being "a little bit pregnant".
Somebody is pulling your leg. And you seem to want to go along.
Without China participating in the isolation, Russia can resist crumbling indefinitely.
A country does not need to shine all the time must they must shine when it’s there time to shine and now is Europe’s time. STEP UP NOW!!
Which part of live and let live do the mega bullies not accept?
If you enter another man’s house without consent, to rob and kill, you have become an enemy of both humanity and God!
Right out of Putins book of excuses.
We should all be expecting an escalation of sabotage now Trump supports Putin.
Ukraine has long been at zero fucks left to give and this puts that number well into negative territory.
Putin must face justice!
Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
pass. He is actively working to do to America from the inside what Putin has tried and failed to do from the outside.
And I pray his and Trump’s ineptitude and the strength of our resistance will send Musk the way of Tesla.
Take a BRIEF break.
At that time listen to YOUR FAVORITE POWER SONGS, not the news.
Deep breaths for INNER CALM everytime you sit on the toilet (so you'll remember :)
While there, AFFIRM outloud "I AM NOT AFRAID!" then go tell your kids.
Putin’s face, Trump
Is scum
Krasnov is Putin’s good dog.
Putin is not capable of leading two wars at the same time, and he knows that if he actually uses nukes, he and his oligarch comrades are the second to die.
Not democrats
Or Biden and America?
Because without those, well, you're basically a Trumpster denouncing Democrats failure to make 'America Great'
Putin is a war criminal.
Russia is a terrorist state.
The world must do MORE to protect Ukrainians!
Boots on the ground!
More weapons!
LET them in NATO!
Fuck Trump & his BS “negotiations”.
Both HE & Putin aren’t interested in peace!
#SlavaUkraini 🇺🇦
If you remember in the early days of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine & yes—it was an invasion-Putin claimed this bullshit about needing to “liberate” Ukraine from Nazism.
Ironic coming from one of the most evil men on the planet.
So yes, the argument remains that HE represents Nazism!
Hard agree
These motherfuckers need to be behind a cell and then sent to their makers.
Boycott all maga corporations and churches
It’s very clear they are acting in concert at this stage.
Odesa is the third most populous city and municipality in Ukraine and a major seaport and transport hub located in the south-west of the country, on the northwestern shore of the Black Sea.
Melon Felon capitulated and handed over our ally to the most corrupt dictator in existence.
Biden has decades of experience, knowledge, and competence that the twice-impeached criminally seditious fraudster has NEVER had.
#traitortrump has never been anything but a pretender and a wannabe.