US Vice President JD Vance:
"Denmark, which controls Greenland, is not doing its job and it's not being a good ally. How are we going to solve that problem? If that means we need to take more territorial interest in Greenland, that is what President Trump is going to do because ⤵️
"Denmark, which controls Greenland, is not doing its job and it's not being a good ally. How are we going to solve that problem? If that means we need to take more territorial interest in Greenland, that is what President Trump is going to do because ⤵️
Stick her on a flight to El Salvador.
Just as a gift and do not forget the photo ops for the occasion.
Or something like for Rubio, a small red carpet.
Now, I hope finally, Europe sees clearly that we are on our own.
I bet they'd go for that.
A lot of empathy for the concerns of those living in a beautiful wilderness. No expert but I'm guessing it's similar to Newfoundland.
T'es fini, Vance...
Territorial conquest isn’t as profitable as it used to be. Less value from the plunder, more expense than is justifiable. But Trump’s people don’t need lots of information cluttering up their policy crafting.
I think is already coming out a NATO 2.0 in the last months.
Are they going to invade or attack they allies?
Are the USA top generals on the same page or they start rejecting orders from politicians that will forget them as soon as they become veterans?
Does anybody believe NATO still alive?
Alive like beheaded zombie.
BTW, what American troops in Europe will do in case Russia invades?
f-ing C minus students running the US
Do not trust Trump.
Trump is a liar.
Trump is insane.
Trump speaks from the mouths
of his political appointees.
Trump’s political appointees
are lying for Trump.
In depth psychology it is called
a psychic epidemic or
mass-psychosis, aka “Cult”.
77 million fundamentalist voters.
Time to kick the Americans out of their freebie base on Greenland and load up on anti-aircraft and anti-ship missiles in case agent Krasnov does something really stupid.
I really hate this little baby faced, eye liner painted, sofa humping little shit.
Health care for everybody. People don't have to work 3 jobs to buy some eggs. Freedom of speech for everybody (that agrees with MuSSk).
Why does the average American doesn't see that his/her/its country is almost third world country instead of the BEST?
We will not become aggressors and steal the land of others.
Same with tariffs, same with taking Russia's side, same with threatening Canada, etc.
We hate Russia, we love Ukraine.
We despise the Americans who elected Trump.
We hope to return to a stable, allied world.
We will work towards that goal everyday.
We want a verdant peaceful planet.
The talking points about being a good ally is simply to steer the conversation away from the ugly truth: Trumps Golden Age includes expanding the territory of the US and consolidating all power around him.
Don't expect him to follow the rules. He means to break them
We are working against them to restore lawfulness and civility and economic fairness everyday.
What happens in the US when they take over Greenland (attack a NATO member state)?
I think people need to act NOW. If you don't it will get even more messy.
You ARE the aggressor!
Our car protest is actually a revolution in disguise.
That's as close to an official declaration of war as you get in 2025.
We are working to prevent the executives from involving us in unlawful aggression.
The same scenario has played out in other countries many times... why are you (as a country) so blind?
Except Ukraine's pain, and deportation of immigrants, harassment of travelers.
What actual aggression has occurred that wasn't already underway, such as Gaza and Yemen?
We are fighting huge battles everyday in courtrooms as we search for civilized solutions first.
Living in Sweden/Europe all I see is a bunch of monkeys running rampant in the White House. Yet I see no protests of any kind from politicians nor citizens. Silence is approval.
We are neither silent nor approving.
If we need help, we will say it. We will send out the call.
We think they are monkeys also.
You (US) guys need to take action if you want to keep your country.
The only thing I see in media is Circus Trump and his ensemble of clowns and monkeys.
Trump's administration is limiting media, including Radio Free Europe. This is a better source right now, along with Reddit.
Europe will rise up…
The people he protects: dictators.
The people he attacks: democracies.
trump is a traitor to democracy.
They are already on Greenland
Hidden money to a event
In Greenland without telling the goverment in Greenland and Denmark official about it?
Look like a pre invasion payd by?
Dont any care ?
Hostile act in a Nato member country where a proud native tradition are tattoo
Vance & Trump are more interested in sucking Putin's tiny dick than living up to their obligations as NATO's largest member.
To them, up is down, night is day, wet is dry and promises are meant to be broken.
Their goal is to kill democracy!
Vance, and his complicit allies in the Trump junta, will live in shame for generations.
Not the other Vance, his cousin. That guy's awesome.
Utterly Outrageous, Insulting,Dangerous,Arrogant & Horrific. Usha Vance's trip to Greenland is a Charade as well. As an American I'm disgusted with the whole thing
Just my two cents...
Looks like part of Canada, no?
If you are not doing something (more than just writing "I did not vote for him" on bluesky/x" then you are an accomplice of this administration.
You created this shit show, you (us population) need to fix it.
This is appealing and doing nothing means you are an accomplice.
Sadly the USA is losing friends by the minute....all because of the orange FELON
America is not being a good ally. Period. No discussion.
Trumps pick for Joint Chief of staff after illegally firing the original .
💥Is not and never has been a 4 star general
💥Is retired
💥Is not qualified for the job
💥Has links to the Kushner family and large investments in the military
All relevant parties in this matter know he is lying his ass off.
"Give me your lunch money or your not my friend."
The US is the ghost driver who blames others for what it is.
His eyeliner is clouding his sight and burning through the section of his brain that controls “truth”.
"Denmark, which controls Greenland....."
what SIGNAL is this on so we can tune in?
We shall catch any American aggressor on EU soil.
Party of projectionists.
This is NOT news.
Nobody wants the USA as Partner since Trump is president
He is lying and he knows it. He is simply a big asshole.
Both, Russia and USA pretending for World dominion. Fascist much? Will we uncover another "Ribbentrop-Molotov" document in the future which is dividing areas of influence and regions?
🇬🇱 Kalaallit Nunaat kalaallit pillugit 🇬🇱
If it is this easy for one president to wrec havoc, what's stopping the next to be even worse.
I'm just baffled that this psycho circus is not met with any resistance within the country.
Just talk about other countries as if they're commodities on wall street.
Just like their puppet master putler.
Land of the free ...Trump administration have well and truly desimated that notion - only took 2mths!
If you suddenly want to see dog sleigh races go to Alaska..
Stay the f... away from Greenland!!!
So disgusting!!!