Don’t know if this is a hot take or not, but many Star Wars fans have a headcanon and expectation problem. I’ve seen all too often where people build up an image of a character that’s not actually on screen or page, vehemently defend that and allow it to ruin their enjoyment of the franchise.
Each new Star Wars project, I just watch the show. Love it.
Like wow they really took this Space Pirate kids show and used it to tell THAT story? Epic.
It infuriates me lol
I've always felt you and I had the same feeling about this part of the fandom and I think it's why I've gravitated towards you Salacious 😅
Your deep dive threads always made me happy when the rest of the game was losing their minds over dumb shit lol
I've managed to love everything from STAR WARS (to varying degrees) and I have that philosophy/technique to thank for it.