These are the most genteel sounding beggar and peasants I have ever heard in my life. God bless the English theater. It’s better than a bunch of bad Spanish accents, but they could have at least split the posh accents with some others. This poor woman is finding out her new husband is a sociopath
British artists can really do class politics pretty well when they set their minds to it. This Marquis is despicable
No one loved a buxom beauty as much as Hammer producers… 😂. They really were sending casting directors out looking for beautiful women who’d just be falling out of period costumes.
still absurd that 60+ years later this is still the closest we've got to a film of THE WEREWOLF OF PARIS, a novel which cries out for a proper big-screen adaptation.
No one loved a buxom beauty as much as Hammer producers… 😂. They really were sending casting directors out looking for beautiful women who’d just be falling out of period costumes.