Hey Autistics-- I'm giving a presentation at a conference about the value of hiring Autistic employees.
Two questions for you:
1) How have you struggled in the hiring process as an Autistic?
2) How would you like your coworkers to support you once hired, if you disclosed Autism/ND?
Thank you!!
Two questions for you:
1) How have you struggled in the hiring process as an Autistic?
2) How would you like your coworkers to support you once hired, if you disclosed Autism/ND?
Thank you!!
Give me quiet, a large assignment and communicate through text.
It could be because I'm also trans, but I've not been explicitly told that.
I am probably too honest when I'm interviewed in person.
I was asked about a previous employer once and *may* have talked too much about how much of a creep he was.
Maybe give me a script for customer interactions.
When I worked at gamestop, my manager there realized I struggled with social anxiety and gave me a little cheat sheet that she taped to the register.
2) Please don’t treat me like I’m retarded after I disclose. I’m not. I’m still the same person I was before declaring, now just more vulnerable. If you want to know something just ask.
2. Stop expecting me to LIE for you or on your behalf.
What experiences have you had re: expected to lie for other people?
2. A basic knowledge of ASD and how that looks like for low support needs people. Too much stigma that we cannot work. When often we are more efficient.
I have a funny story re: more efficient. Up until recently, I was legitimately working 8 hours a day in my office job. APPARENTLY (no one told me), no one actually works that long. You work for 2-4 hours and goof off for 4-6.
An open route of communication should definitely be a priority. Being an approachable manager, etc.
2) Clear goals that cover what the project obj is, what the teams obj is, and what are the restrictions.
Employers: if something seems weird to you, ASK. if you're too much of a coward, don't hire an autistic, you're just gonna traumatize them.
Interviewers forget i am interviewing them and their culture as much as they are interviewing me. Power plays and delays? No thanks.
Give me the KPIs up front. Help me gauge my own ability/fit.
Bait and switch job postings. Vague job postings. Don't post weekday shifts if you will require weekends.
I have struggled in the hiring process due to ambiguous hoop jumping....
The whole interview process is a pain. I do not have to be good at interviews to be good at other things.
In the past I have requested informal tours, I have requested interview questions, and I went to workplaces days before just so that the journey to the interview will be more familiar.
I believe, unless my job requires me to be good at spontaneous interviews, that all job interviews should offer the questions ahead of time...
My ideal interview is one where I just show that I can do the job. Other people tell me that they just bullshit in interviews, flatter the interviewers, and say what they think the interviewers want to hear. I cannot do this.
I don't want people to make assumptions. I want people to accept things that literally do not impact them (tinted glasses, ear defenders, personal headphones with music where safe). I want people to let me know...
It feels like a good percentage of accommodating Autism is just actually communicating with your words with the Autistic person.
2) I'd like to work in a team where i can monotropically work on parts of the team's work that interest me & do a very thorough job. I'd like people to answer questions asked, not what they imagine I want,or what they know about if they dont know the answer to the Q
People definitely have a big problem about answering questions. Especially here in California, people obfuscate or dance around the answer instead of just being blunt about it. It can be frustrating
Social distancing.
Respect my fucking personal space.
Ask to enter my personal space.
Use some logic for cripes sake.
My request: Don't be a fucking bigot