Our country is being destroyed from within by Trump and his minions, which is exactly what Putin wants. Russia doesn’t even have to launch any missiles. Comrade Trump is fulfilling Russia’s dream—just as they planned.
It’s just so sad and frightening that so many people in the US don’t have any idea what is really going on. They are either too busy, too disinterested or too tied to the MAGA cult. We are in deep shit.
This should scare every American. As we all know Trump is Putin's patsy... But this is very very scary. They really do think they are going to destroy America with Trumps help.
Same goes with Russia, with enough fuckery, you can get all those provinces riled up for independance from the federal Kremlin Government. And believe me, a lots of these provinces don't need much convincing. Just give them real history books without censorship from above.
They have the audacity to announce what they’ve done because they know that we will just fight to control the narrative instead of taking charge and stopping the madness.
Their useful idiot sandwiched in the middle!
"Russia, fatherland, Stand back and stand by "
Mind yer own damn business, Russkies!