ICYMI— @GovBillLee’s special session proclamation where he ties vouchers to hurricane relief aid so he can ram it through👇🏽
He also includes immigration & now transpo
Why even have regular session at all? Hell, why even have a legislature?
Just let Sexton & Lee write the laws
He also includes immigration & now transpo
Why even have regular session at all? Hell, why even have a legislature?
Just let Sexton & Lee write the laws
Republicans want us to relive history from the inquisition to the 1950’s where white “Christians” ruled and women did a man’s bidding: we’re kept barefoot and pregnant!
When mass deportation begins we should begin with republicans!
I don't say this, lightly : I truly hate these people
These are its authoritarian death throes.
Full statement here:
Destroying public education by holding critical assistance to the public hostage.
Remember they love the “poorly educated”
Keep up the fight!
REQUIRING that purchsers will never be part of a class action lawsuit when they buy it? Trump is a grifting felon that MSM enables by not reporting on all of the unpresidential, even criminal things, 45 does.
Governor Newsom should talk to blue states & secede en mass until red states overcome their insanities.
Which way would FBI, CIA, NSA and military jump in the event of a secession attempt?
If all blue states secede form new country with global allies then MAGA have nobody to blame when they still cannot rule MAGA states.
Rome didn’t fall in a day but fall it did.
Gearing up for repression and to quell an incipient civil war stacks up, evidentially.
It hopefully will be a way to avoid one, alliances with Canada Europe Japan Denmark Europe UK Scandinavian countries would check Trump, he is a coward + no new property deals in foreign countries.
Nothing's ever consequence-free, and secessionists should be mindful of what they're getting into.
- ala london bridge
We all live in an autocratic world, 🎶
an autocratic world,
an autocratic world,
we all live in an autocratic world,
and tRumpo was the causeio. 🎶
I don’t see anything in here about lowering egg prices or making houses more affordable.
good about never being an air
traffic controller or he'd have
been fired by Trump like any
sex-crime victim in the racist
landfill now and forever known
as Texas the last fucking place
God made.
Marsha Blackburn...🤢🤮
So all the Republican noise about single issue bills was just a smoke screen until they could ram through their unpopular proposals.
What a shocker! Kind of like their deficit concerns.
It’s time to do something about our racist America problem.
Shouldn’t be hard to do if we have some game players overseeing our messaging.
But in order to do this, we have to push the Nancy Pelosi‘s aside. Her game playing is antiquated.
They need to understand that their vote destroyed their rights, their democracy, their freedom.
And then we hold out our hands to them.
"Republicans don't want to represent you. They want to rule you."
This is all about punishment. How dare they.