Is it “liberating” for politicians to learn that they can incite an insurrection, relentlessly lie, con their followers with grifts like bibles, ignore any conflicts of interest, make as much money as you want from your position, and be totally immune if you become President? 🧐
The world, and history, is watching closely as so many "free press" outlets so readily and so rapidly drop to their knees to slobber on the putrid little member of his ego.
When discussing the "greatest forces in history," most historians would likely point to powerful empires like the Roman Empire, the Mongol Empire under Genghis Khan, and Alexander the Great's Macedonian army - Dotard, Never in his reality show dreams!
I mean unfortunately I think the majority aren’t paying attention still. :( there will only be push back if we can find a way to reach the people who normally don’t pay attention. If they are only seeing legacy media downplaying they won’t know to fight back.
This is a great point. imho republicans are usually smart enough to mitigate or delay the damage caused by their policies, but trump has kicked all those people out of the room this time. The majority may not be paying attention now, but I think they will be soon.
Hoping they get scared enough to blow the whole thing open. It’s only took a few people admitting the truth during the watergate hearings to get Americans to wake the fuck up. we’re not trying to reach republicans. They are a lost hateful cause. We need to reach those who don’t pay attention.
Oh absolutely agree, the tens of millions of voters who didn’t show up need to be reached and fkn forget reaching out to republicans.
Harris basically ran as a R lite and it made no impact on bringing “moderate” Rs over to the cause and is probably a major reason why 6M Biden voters didn’t show up
Nope I won’t agree with you there.the media pushed that she ran as an R.That just doesn’t line up to reality.I’m upset with things the campaign did or didn’t do but I won’t vilify the most qualified black woman who should’ve won.They let perfection be the enemy of good & now good people will suffer
And another publication bites the dust on bended knee. Seems Harris did some gargling and spitting already. Small hands had him on his knees asking for another. Buy stock in mouthwash. It’s going to be in demand the next 4 years!!
A force of history? Sure. They didn’t qualify if that force was negative or positive. In that regard, yes, I agree. Donald Trump is quite a malevolent force of history indeed.
Their founding editor fantasizes about making big bank off of trump. I hope Harris voters shun these MSM propaganda outlets and send them into bankruptcy
WAPO gone. LA Times gone. ABC-George S. paying him off $ CBS next. CNN gone and giving Acosta the midnight shift. Reporters fawning over his press conferences. Now Politico. WTF is going on? Where is RESIST? Been more Get down on bended knee! DEPRESSING.
Another media outlet to delete from my bookmarks. When I see one post shit like this I delete them and then go find independent media actually reporting the truth and add them.
It's amazing that if you act like a selfish asshole for long enough, the media will just forget all of your past transgressions and start praising you.
This is a famwy bwodcast!
-Elmer Fudd
Harris basically ran as a R lite and it made no impact on bringing “moderate” Rs over to the cause and is probably a major reason why 6M Biden voters didn’t show up
It is disgusting to watch.
#HesSoDumb #InOverHisHead
Good to know 🤦
Does Politico know what a force of evil is…or do they just not care?