I love that they don’t show it. It’s like not identifying mass shooters. Takes away a lot of their power and signals that this person and their actions are so harmful that we are not going to give them air. I’m guessing this is an important and effective way to squash dictator fascist types.
Germany has learned from their troubled past. They don't have the death penalty, all things Adolf are in a museum, and all KISS merch has backwards z's instead on those bolts
And some self righteous leftists wish people to die due to opposing political views. When the problem enters your circle, we will be here to help, no matter how twisted your thinking is.
It’s not “opposing political beliefs” or a fantasy of death squads, it’s textbook fascism that *will* get people killed. Check back in here after Trump orders one of your confederates to start shooting citizens, k?
Just because he called it Democrat doesn’t mean it was. He also perverted a Vedic symbol and used it for the swastika - does that mean he was Hindu too? Let’s wait and see if your orange haired baboon chooses violence on Americans.
There are a few exceptions (science, theater, art, as long as the purpose is not to glorify), but a person who shows the Hitlergruß faces up to 3 years in prison for using a nazi emblem and up to 5 years in prison for 'Volksverhetzung' (sedition/incitement).
I visited Germany in 23 and learned more about their culture. History is mandatory in schools, and there are severe penalties for distorting it. And they have strong anti-cult laws. Can we get some of those? (Not sure how they square those with many religions, but...)
MAGA Republicans are simp ass wimps. “Oh, Donald is so powerful, I’m so afraid to speak, maybe the people where I live won’t like me anymore, and I would have to get a real job.”
The current American President actively courted Nazis like his dad, let’s stop with the shock. Elon loves to be loved. He knew who would love that salute.
I had this horrible realization the other day that I couldn’t properly post news about this online without fear of my accounts being banned.
Do you know how upside-down the world is when reporting on the most powerful people on the planet is punished more vindictively than any of their crimes?
Please, if you have a Tesla, put a "best before" sticker on it. If you don't have one, please don't buy one. Above all, abandon X, fully, and come to Bluesky.
For years Germany wouldn’t teach or talk about Hitlers genocide and today it’s still illegal to fly or have a swastika flag. And here we are praising this horrible period in world history.
Let’s get this post viral!!! Make the press and everyone else black out the salute on TV and printed press and call it what it is a Nazi salute. Let’s show the country and world what this bastard did.
It's so odd all the European countries that the white supremacist Trump idolizes, taking into account Germany the Scandinavian countries, condemns everything that he does. They don't allow racist propaganda and they have universal healthcare.
Why would I care?🤷 I'm American. Maybe I replied to a post incorrectly. I half read, get inflamed and spout off a lot. If I did that to you, my apologies.
Well clearly this German paper is just kinda awkward and maybe autistic. So the publication just doesn't know how to act and can't possibly be held accountable for au/rtistically censoring this image in such a stressful and trying time.
While traveling in Germany this summer I with my German extended family it was clear to me the Germans want Nothing to do with Nazi mentality or associations, which I pride them in!
we learned, but just a little.
As it should be.!
Sec32B $20k / 12 months imprisonment.
So, both your President and Chief Puppetmaster should be in gaol (or jail,I'm agnostic).
Do you know how upside-down the world is when reporting on the most powerful people on the planet is punished more vindictively than any of their crimes?
Musk looked too much at Magrite's work which shows a pipe and says "This is not a pipe"... 👇
The translation:
"A Hitler salute
is a Hitler salute
is a Hitler salute.”
a duck is just a duck.
Spot on.
when Germany says you're a Nazi doing a Nazi salute, you're probably a Nazi ;-)
Very soon, if u keep up with EU politics at all.
And the $Trump party quietly embraces it.
When no NATION wants this F anywhere near their people or their government..
Will America, the whored out nation to the oligarchs, still be SERVING safe haven.
He tried to F with other elections & they told him to F off!
We gave him an office in our WH!
there's never a wrong way to punch a Nazi :-)
It is a Hitler salute, full stop! The world sees it and KNOWS.