There are good ways to resist Trump’s agenda. This is not one. Dems threatening to tank our economy like Republicans regularly do just validates their hostage-taking.
We should pay our bills. The debt ceiling should be abolished, not weaponized.
We should pay our bills. The debt ceiling should be abolished, not weaponized.
Sometimes you got to fight fire with fire
Short term pain for long term gain.
Maybe that means they raise it just enough to cover outstanding bills, but no more than that.
I agree that the debt limit should be abolished, but until it is, use it as a cudgel.
They should play as dirty as the repubs and use whatever they can to get their message out!
Every tool must be used in opposition. Unilateral disarmament is why we are here and it needs to stop.
Hit something hard. I don't want to limp away from this piece of shit.
he’s very simplistic and he thinks we’ll do better in trade specifically exports, manufacturing with a weaker dollar so he figures do stupid shit and weaken the dollar.
We could stick our head in the sand and play nice, or we could delay and resist and use the slimmest majorities in history to our advantage.
Pay for your own genocides, Nazi scum.
We need to spend less - on everything - from military to social entitlements.