It boggles my mind that people watch this and think "yeah, I can get behind this."
Our country is turning into Monday Night Raw - where you pick your favorite babyface and heel, and you just go with the storyline no matter how ridiculous it may be.
100 to 1 he thinks the mildest weak salsa is too spicy.
Someone needs to show this video at the taquerias he likes to visit the most.
Good luck, pendejo.
What they think makes white people ashamed: Critical Race Theory
What actually makes white people ashamed: watching people this this represent us in public
To all the cooks, wait staff, restaurant workers, and delivery drivers who might handle Carl Higbie's food orders, please ensure that he gets extra dipping sauce and dressing.
My grandmother would've slapped his hands for speaking with his mouth full. THEN she would've taken him to task for his rudeness, lack of manners, and outright ugly racism.
This special kind of douchebag would shit his pants if 5 large pissed off latino males walked in and grabbed this Hiding on TVset tuff guy. $100 bucks says he would cry asking they not beat his ass. 🙄
The whole motivation behind the modern Republican coalition is the desire to hate openly. To be able to be racist openly. To be able to demonize immigrants openly. It's a masks-off moment for every disgusting bigot in the country.
They are indeed. Doesn’t make it right makes it fucking impossible for me to ever ever cross that border when I used to love the states now the Ununited States of Amerikkka!
Because everytime we tried to tell them, we were called race baiters. Now see how things happen when you choose division because your trust is in someone like the orange one?
Carl Higbie - Former Seal, Court martial - honorable , downgraded to general - re-upgraded - accused of prisoner abuse - described as dangerous... America First disciple.
I know many former Seals. Literally every single one is an absolute piece of shit. They think they did their part so now it's time to TAKE. Tim Sheehy - R - Montana is an example. I would love to out the others.
Thanks for your service, please stay away from society.
I hope he gets choro every time he eats our food. I hope every hooked he gets gives him herp, clap, syphilis. I hope he has a pink eye every day forever.
How is one allowed to publish racist content on American airwaves, in broad daylight, in view of children? How is Nazi shit acceptable, but a nipple isn't? Make it make sense.
maga should keep soending their white dollars at Mexican establishments. We send half that money to Mexico so jokes on them. Thanks America for building Mexico m!
Many years ago the USA screwed Mexico. So in turn Mexicans came to the USA and extracted billions from the US economy and built Mexico with it. Now Mexico is on the right path, it has great leaders and a solid economy built on the racism of white America. We won. And they’re paying for our flight
That's nothing, later he ate an entire turd to prove he'll digest whatever bullshit Trump feeds him. He said it tasted better than Trump steaks ever did.
Our country is turning into Monday Night Raw - where you pick your favorite babyface and heel, and you just go with the storyline no matter how ridiculous it may be.
Someone needs to show this video at the taquerias he likes to visit the most.
Good luck, pendejo.
The administration will support them
I cannot believe we've come to this
What actually makes white people ashamed: watching people this this represent us in public
Companies like should be ashamed of themselves
The rest of the world is laughing.
Thanks for your service, please stay away from society.
So what's your point, knucklehead?
Trump controls right-wing media.
How is one allowed to publish racist content on American airwaves, in broad daylight, in view of children? How is Nazi shit acceptable, but a nipple isn't? Make it make sense.
And the FCC lost the nipple suit.