All of the people who voted for this are idiots. All the people who think this is a good thing are idiots. Products of private schools apparently. Another win for the Republicans and Project 2025. And you can’t ignore T****’s influence in all this. Son of a bitch
I am so sorry. They're likely going to go after HS diploma choices next, like Indiana did after they expanded vouchers, which will make it harder for your students to attend college in or out of state.
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I had no idea about this. So you get a diploma but then seals to go on it depending on whether you want to go to college or trade schools? Who's hairbrained idea was that?
The party that thrives on the votes of the ignorant and uneducated wants people to remain ignorant and uneducated. The only aspect that should surprise us is that they haven’t tried this before.
⬆️ This right here. They want a two class system—a ruling class and a working class—with separate education systems to ensure that rulers remain rulers and workers remain workers through the generations.
They’re like ticks getting fat sucking a deer’s blood. The tick needs the deer
Good luck, Tennessee taxpayers. This will probably blow up your whole state budget. But, hey, already well-to-do people will have more money in their pockets, so Republicans have done their jobs.
How can people not understand that their taxpayer money is being used to pay for private schools for a few at the cost of many??? This is blatant corporate welfare. It's time to hit the streets and bug your officials to death on the phone, near their offices, and make them reverse this BS decision!
We’re definitely going to be able to afford that when FEMA is gone, and we’re responsible for recovery relief from our many devastating tornadoes and surprisingly frequent 1,000-year floods. When you follow the bankrupt unquestioningly, you become….
Republican politicians in this state are turning Tennessee into a shit hole. Meanwhile, the number one cause of death for children in the state is gun violence. They know no shame.
"Good riddance" can also be acknowledging the end of a relationship. It doesn't always mean a bad thing has gone away, or that you've won. I didn't type it, so I'm just guessing at possible meanings 😅
Well, that is ethically reprehensible and also fiscally irresponsible. Who votes for these nitwits? I'm sorry TN is in such backward hands. I've seen too much to be naive about the legislature now. By now,most of American voters are wise to these scams.WAKE UP! TN deserves better!!
I am so sorry. They're likely going to go after HS diploma choices next, like Indiana did after they expanded vouchers, which will make it harder for your students to attend college in or out of state.
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They’re like ticks getting fat sucking a deer’s blood. The tick needs the deer