Of course people who work to help the struggling are not going to support a millionaire who wants to cut taxes for the rich, and who likes to see working people suffer.
What the hell is the point here? Weserve to punish the suffering for ??? reason?
Gov workers are allowed to contribute to candidates of their choice too. Every gov worker believes in their job and what they do betters the country. USAID helps millions and provides soft power across the world. Of course they contributed to the party of empathy and morals.
How do they know this? Did they compare lists of government departmental employee rosters (obtained from OPM) vs political donor lists? Would that be a misuse of (stolen) government data?
The bigger question is how do they obtain this information? Now they have a list of Democratic donors, is this their new enemies list? The new list for IRS audits? This is bullshit!
So what? And civil service laws say you can’t discriminate based on political affiliation. That’s the whole point of a merit-based system no matter the civic education ignorance of Stephen Miller and Leon.
This is the problem. Dems are Americans, they love America and overwhelmingly want the best for America. This has ceased to be about loving America, this is simply a case of loving Trump or not loving Trump.
America now comes second.
The title is clearly misleading, too. It’s meant to make the reader think USAID directly spent funding on Harris. The workers’ donations are their own private business, which has nothing to do with USAID itself.
Of course people who work to help the struggling are not going to support a millionaire who wants to cut taxes for the rich, and who likes to see working people suffer.
What the hell is the point here? Weserve to punish the suffering for ??? reason?
From employees at an agency of more than 10,000.
Making the average contribution... $24.20.
Cripes, that's not even enough for a Musk Always Goes Awry hat.
The ass clown!🤡
A quick round of "French Revolution" would resolve the issue
It is not like there is a lack of guns or something....
Citizens have the right to their political beliefs and it should have no bearing on their job, much less the fate of entire government agencies.
... Yeah...
America now comes second.
You fucked it lads, big time.