This is why I lose my brains every time I hear someone brag, "I'M not registered with either party! I'm an INDEPENDENT!"
The real power is not in general elections. It's in THE PRIMARIES! If you stipulate we're in a 5-alarm fire right now you must be prepared to fight dirty
And BTW the pigs have been running Republicans with a "-D" for years. That's why the Democratic Party has been so ineffectual, having to get around those guys. The Dems, however, have barely figured out that this is even happening.
They will say anything to in order to keep trump supporters lapping up their bull shit without question. It’s all scare tactics using racism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia in order to keep their followers support. The truth is that their support is shady starting to wane and they know it.
This is what we get when the majority votes for the semblance of righteousness instead of really examining their character. They spout the right words and make a show of piety…then steal with both hands and rule against the poor.
“Let’s try to panic people about a fictional existential threat but first, let’s bring up trans people for no good reason to make sure the audience associates them with fear and bad things.” The reich wing playbook since Obergefell.
Anything they say is going to be a lie or misinformation at this point. Assume this. They are going to try to do what they are going to do regardless of their words, and their actions will be below the board. They are at war, and legal/(dis)information is all a part of it. Normal rules do not apply.
The way that they lie is just absolutely shameful.
Just like Trump they just keep throwing things at the wall and see what sticks.
They do it to get white people all riled up about something else.
Meanwhile they are robbing them blinds taking everything they need for themselves and their children
Just curious, you follow him here where he posted the exact same thing, but instead of just reposting him here, you took his tweet and media from Twitter to repost it here. Why?
This is great. We need to think & act bigger. If possible, all of us rally at lunchtime from where-ever we are. Trumusk will not stop this mess. This will continue for the rest of their presidency (5%/yr?) so if your contract is up…Goodbye.
The problem that Democrats have yet to figure out is that while Hagerty gets called out in real time on this news broadcast, most Tennesseans won’t see this video. They will get an email from his office or see his social media posts spreading the lies.
Israeli propaganda has done a number on our "representatives." I don't know if they actually believe this crap and have been duped, or if they know it's bullshit and pretend it's legit for that Israel lobby check.
If Tennessee wants to (slightly) rebuild it's character, it will vote blue in the upcoming 2026 election and remove this nincompoop from office.
Lots of those folks are going to be hurt by all these rash cuts. And those prices for eggs won't be improving anytime soon.
The real power is not in general elections. It's in THE PRIMARIES! If you stipulate we're in a 5-alarm fire right now you must be prepared to fight dirty
Run a DEM with an "-R"!
Almost as if the nice lady hadn't just TOLD you "about that".
They're all doing it. "Journalists" must all be as immovable as Margaret Brennan.
Just like Trump they just keep throwing things at the wall and see what sticks.
They do it to get white people all riled up about something else.
Meanwhile they are robbing them blinds taking everything they need for themselves and their children
Rise up, Conner/Travis/Payton.
Use the app from
To make DAILY calls to your representatives. Scripts make it easy if you are not used to calling. 💪
Tell everyone YOU know to tell everyone THEY know — blue, purple, and red states!!
Surely, that's terrorism