Trump, Musk, even Putin, with their "dictator from day one", Nazi salutes, brutal invasions, seem to glaze over what happens to most dictators throughout history. Hitler, Napoleon, Hussein, Mussolini, Ceaușesc, Gaddafi... the list goes on. It never ends well.
There are #protests hapening against them today we need to boost everything under the #50501protests and #nokingsday and make the media pay attention again. Remind these broligarchs that there are more of us than there are of them.
there is one near me but I am unable to attend so I'm doing the best I can to boost as much as I can and encourage others at home to do the same so we can make #nokingsday viral
I think we're a few weeks past wondering if the maga crowd cares about rule of law. They are gleefully watching Elon tear apart the government to sell to himself and they don't care as long as enough brown people are hurt in his rampage.
Well geez, that didn’t last long, I few people were already headed to mara-log-o to save the Country💙🇺🇸 . . . “he who saves the Country does not violate any law” ⚖️ 🤭okay then!!💪🩷🗽
SAVE America…🌎
It's unreal to me watching family members and people I have known for years being sucked into this cult. They've already moved on from egg prices and groceries in general. I don't know what level of pain they will need to experience to wake them up, but I have a feeling we're about to find out.
People are 'moving on' because people like told them to ignore things like Elons Nazi salute.
Be careful what advice you give and take.
Don't move on! Ask follow up questions. Those are Trump's kryptonite...
"Saving the country from what?"
"Can you prove that what you're doing is saving the country?"
"Which of your actions do you think is saving the country and why?"
How do Americans move on from this???? I was absolutely sure that they were a country built, formed and civilized by its visceral hatred of Kings, Authoritarians and fascists? For this message to be completely lost on America and the media is frankly disgusting.
What should I be doing to stop Trump? I’m struggling to think of anything your average person could do that would actually make a change other than starting a militia. I want to take action, please let me know what will actually make a change other than making posts and essays etc
Trump is a blind, slinking, skulking critter that puts out a tentacle to test for response. If we don’t cut it off, he moves into that space. And then he puts another tentacle.
Think Hitler and Czechoslovakia.
Gather 'round, I'll share a tale of woe,Of how the MAGA crowd's turned fascist, you know,Trump's the ringleader, with a mob in tow,Transforming the GOP into a fascist show.
Fascists in suits, fascists in ties,Fascists with plans for our demise,
It's not people (us) moving on from this. It's the usual MSM types who would rather report on Trump's social posts ranting about Saturday Night Live. 🤨
I’m not sure that we’re “moving on” from this, it’s more that with the constant barrage of cramp that’s coming out of this regime, we can no longer keep up.
We need to ask Republicans in elected positions what their "red line" is because so far we've seen nothing but a bunch of spineless jellyfish being run over.
sadly, SCOTUS essentially made Trump the king with their ruling last year on presidential immunity.
I'm old enough to remember Republicans saying presidents should be held to higher standards than regular citizens when impeaching Clinton for lying about a blowjob.
The really infuriating thing, is that they believe what they wanted 50 years ago still applies today, and it doesn't. That's why this plan is soooo flawed!
They’re all scared of dt and Musk. How about if you’re too scared then step down. I’m sure some of these fired federal employees would take your job and fight. Remember dt said if you don’t fight then you won’t have a country, one thing he was right about.
Hisassholiness needs a
Strait jacket
Defund Elon (save Billions now)
Unplug Leon
IN Putin Elons and dictator donny's world
they get relegated to
9 Professional THUMB TWIRLERS?
Did Zuck Bezo Gates need to be “saved” by tRump? Do the Evangelicals “MAGAs”? Do LDS, Catholics, Jews, Hindu, Muslims need to be saved by tRump? Quoting Eliza Doolittle of My Fair Lady “there sun will arise … tide will come in… & without much a do We can all bloody well do without.. [tRump]
We get it- but what he says only matches what he is doing- It's long past his being subtle. We get he's the King- at least he thinks he is. Things change quickly when the Bread runs out (Which usually takes time to Trickle Down) but he's using a fire hose so it won't take long-
We need a plan to stop this. I know, I’ve seen the protests & the no spending but is that actually going to stop this admin from destroying this country & hurting/killing people??!!
Agreed. This is in part the Supreme Court's decision of giving him immunity (with very little restriction) so he feel's emboldened to break any and all laws because he is above the law now.
You must move on, whenever the next atrocity comes in, we forget about the last… it’s less because we are a fickle race, and more because there is just so much BS we are bombarded with, it can’t be helped.
Trump is tacitly giving the green light for his brownshirts to use violence against his opponents' peaceful demonstrations. He didn't pardon 1600+ violent J6 felons for nothing.
The White House account amplifying it is chilling to me. There is no one left to walk it back. They are competing to be his biggest cheerleaders on every insane thing out of his mouth.
Enough! Our entire system of law is based on the Magna Carta. The primary principle of that is: No one, not even a king, is above the law. It's the one thing we kept from completely intact from Britain. It's the Magna, not maga, Carta. It is literally the "Great Charter of Freedoms."
The point is that we are months past the vote. We need to focus on the now, and work towards what we want for the future. The government only has power if the people allow it.
same. president muskrat and his pet ferret want to tear this country apart and rebuild it to serve themselves, to hell with the Constitution and "we the people." and while they're at it, they're going for a whole new "world order," too.
Two Mob Bosses working to get Ukraine to sign over their mineral rights! The world is getting smaller & minerals is what all countries need. Their solution is just make a deal with Ukraine that they can't refuse. European governments better work together or your next!
The meeting in Saudi Arabia with the US, Putin and the Saudi's sounds more like a meeting of the 'New World Order' and their banker than it sounds like a meeting on the future of just Ukraine.
The good thing is that UKR is so smart, strong survival skills, that im pretty sure theyre gonna do a great deal w a very deserving partner. That's not Trump, nor Musk. That wealth of resources gives them a lot of power. 🙏🏻✊🏻🇺🇦 Slava Ukraine! 🙏🏻
This is not just a quote supposedly from Napoleon, it is definitely a quote repeated by Anders Breivik, a Norwegian neo-nazi terrorist and a mass murderer of 77 people including children. That is what is coming out of the mouth of the current president. Ask Trump voters if that's what they voted for
Hey, Felon tRump, when you break the law, you break the law. Period. None of this bullshit about "saving" our country when you break the law and it is okay to break the law. You spew this crap to try to give you even more excuses to commit criminal actions, envisioning yourself as a savior. Puke!
I have been going down to Napoleon rabbit hole and of course we know Trump is not a deep studious person and may very well be unaware of the depths of Napoleon depravity which is even more terrifying that no one stopped him. They are totally afraid of even stopping him from his own self destruction
Maga’s read this as our president is saving our country.
He is messaging his people.
And they do not have the intelligence to contemplate what this really means.
His words: don’t worry in 4 years you won’t have to vote. And he means it.
When the courts give up, our elected officials use a constitutional crisis for fundraising, and the media dont bother covering peaceful protest, what will be left?
At some point peaceful men will fight for the peace they love.
Ever heard of the napoleonic complex? Aka little dog syndrome. The smallest dog thinks he’s the biggest. Bonaparte was apparently small in stature. Kinda like how Trump tells ppl he’s 6’3” but he looks tiny beside Gavin Newsom who is actually 6’3”.
Everyones trying to decipher another dumb Trump tweet. He doesnt know who Napoleon was. He stole the post just as he stole your tax money and freedom of speech. So much credit for someone who recommends bleach.
I watched J.D. Vance's speech at the Munich Security Conference and numerous other speeches and Q&As. Vance's disrespectful speech aimed to do more than arrogantly shame Europe; it was a destabilizing message to the Far Right to stir things up.
The US, under the trump/musk administration, is now a global agitator for the Fascist Right. This conference closing was heartbreaking. NATO must disregard the US and quickly bring Ukraine into the organization. Time is running out. trump and putin discussing Ukraine's fate is appalling.
trump pulls out of the World Health Organization and the Paris Climate Accord. He’s proven to be mercurial, vain and untrustworthy. NATO shouldn’t waste precious time waiting for trump’s next move. Show strength and show what leadership looks like and bring Ukraine into NATO.
Dear bsky family, I wrote a short story about Trump. And now I want to help others in need. A portion of my book sales will go toward supporting federal employees affected by these shutdowns. Please help me help them and share my book. I truly appreciate your support!
"He who violates America's governing laws does not save our country; instead, he seeks to destroy it. America's governing laws and balances uphold the country, which belongs to the people—not to dictators like Trump."
10y ago he would’ve been unanimously impeached for this. People are getting numb to his disgusting rhetoric, and that’s just as dangerous as the rhetoric itself!
I stand firm, the worst ruling and most corrupt was giving Trump immunity, that's like leaving your doors open and calling a known thief telling him you'll be gone all day!
The Democrats need to put lots of resources into winning those seats in Florida. People in Florida can’t be happy with what’s going on once they hear the truth.
H e says exactly what he’s going to do. Pay attention.
SAVE America…🌎
See what I did there
You can set up a reminder:
Go to your profile settings, click "Accessibility" under Basics, make sure "Require alt text before posting" is toggled on.
Many won't RS w/out it.
Be careful what advice you give and take.
"Saving the country from what?"
"Can you prove that what you're doing is saving the country?"
"Which of your actions do you think is saving the country and why?"
When America was under the monarchy, the monarchy didn't have as much power as Trump/Musk does today.
Who will enforce the law when they fail to leave Office and/or SCOTUS has a ruling Musk/Trump don't like?
Think Hitler and Czechoslovakia.
Fascists in suits, fascists in ties,Fascists with plans for our demise,
Mind you, look how it ended for him.
I'm old enough to remember Republicans saying presidents should be held to higher standards than regular citizens when impeaching Clinton for lying about a blowjob.
A fifty year project by the authoritarian right is coming to fruition.
Hisassholiness needs a
Strait jacket
Defund Elon (save Billions now)
Unplug Leon
IN Putin Elons and dictator donny's world
they get relegated to
9 Professional THUMB TWIRLERS?
LOL, look what happened to him.
insurrectionists “Stand By”
If there are no consequences for his crimes, are we really the nation of laws that we keep saying we are?
by Jonathan Turley
Ukraine wasn't even invited.
Just sayin'
Expect criminal violence.
Billionaire owned
Good to know.
Time to start crowdfunding to finance that job.
He is messaging his people.
And they do not have the intelligence to contemplate what this really means.
His words: don’t worry in 4 years you won’t have to vote. And he means it.
But #CassandraClub is over 3000 years old. And it always ends the same way.
At some point peaceful men will fight for the peace they love.
Get a Signal account for protection and send me a DM.
Napoleon Bonaparte, stating he is the Law. As EMPEROR.
It’s a myth. Check it out.
That said, good point though.
I got the idea though. I’m just French and I like to say this about Bonaparte. 🤣
~Donald Trump 02/15/2025
I cannot abide those who accept this.
Lo que escribió el hijoeputa, es lo que va a hacer.
Preparemonos y dejemos de actuar nuevecitos. El hijoeputa va a destruir el orden constitucional.
And nation will rise up against nation.
Life has become just a bit too
He knows his comments are BS but he's amusing himself and he knows it drives people crazy.
Napoleon Bonaparte
“Napoleon in his own words from the French of Jules Bertaut”, Рипол Классик
A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
The people have a duty to pull down a corrupt government. Especially when a felon and a traitor gets elected.