Great countries and civilizations fail when they become governed by ignorant leaders who turn inward thinking and celebrate their ignorance rather than science and learning. This is clearly happening to us.
She's also dead wrong in saying the government should be run like a business. Government provides services and protection for its citizens, business only exists to make money.
Okay Marge, blue states contributing more than they get back and red states contributing less than they are given is really bad business. Marge, you a red state??
If the USA was actually run by a business, the first step would be to slash headcount in underperforming red states, and then fold them into existing, more successful departments under new leadership.
If the government was a business (not even close to reality), we would bolster the only income generating part of the government, the IRS. The republicans have just cut thousands of workers from the department so we can keep getting ripped off by the wealthy. Start there cave beast.
MTG is a skank, generally ignorant & a glaring dumbass, but not totally incorrect - the US generates <$5T/year in revenue & we're how much in debt? $36T & counting by the second?
The money they are handing out to billionaires could easily have funded Bernie Sanders' wildest dreams. I wonder why we can suddenly afford massive debt.
If the US government operated like a business (or a household, for that matter) it would not voluntarily slash its income with tax giveaways for billionaires, knowing that its efforts to cut expenses by eliminating "waste, fraud and abuse" won't come anywhere close to making up the difference.
That the Govt/country would be broke if run like a business seems a pretty good argument for not doing so. Govt isn’t run like a business. It should however be run in a way which allows good businesses to flourish. Through investment in people, infrastructure and a fair regulatory environment.
I live in Georgia, not far from ATL. In general, I would have no problem moving to a smaller city in this state, but NFW could I live in the district where people elected her. Who thought she was the best the area has?! Damn.
What's so frustrating when you have people who become politicians but have no idea what this country is and how it's run, is that other countries allow the US to carry out its foreign policy objectives (re: abuses) BECAUSE we offer that nugget of humanitarian aid. It's called a bribe.
The us government kinda IS like a charity, one funded by our tax dollars. The problem is, the money is now being redirected from people who NEED it to greedy subhumans who WANT it (bc the billions they already have just aren’t enough for them).
what product/service does she think government provides as a business??Government is there to protect its constituents FROM business, which only wants MONEY. She makes ALOT of MONEY from the very government she so decries. Her state TAKES alot of MONEY from this "broke" government. Fuck off
All politicians who think governing operates like a business or household need to be disqualified from holding office.There is a real possibility of US debt default with erratic Trump financial "policies" pushing inflation & refusal to generate revenue using taxes. Looming stock market crash.
Agree, the question is how long will the BRICS nations put up with his BS. If Japan is impacted all bets are off. Who will support their ongoing and increased debt, I see a default too.
Been following various non Anglo Saxon media. About 25% of US debt (bonds) are due this year. Countries like Japan, China sold off $billions of their bond holdings & not buying more. Japan has turned to China's bonds. Dedollarization is happening. BRICS is done with US bs. A new world is being born.
Pretty sure there are people way smarter & more knowledgeable than me that see this. Politicians who think governing is like running a business/household & fall for junk economics like Trickle down along with their ideology of pandering are the obstacle. Western financial channels are mute on this.
Quite frankly, most businesses are highly leveraged and sell stock to raise money. They pay dividends on the stock and create wealth. In a way, our government is being run like a big public business. We sell our debt in the form of Treasury bills, which are the safest of investments.
Governments provide for the wellbeing of its citizens.
Completely different goals.
That's more than half her Congressional salary.
These leeches like MTG believe that they will get some trickle-down from the managers if they play along...they are in for a very rude awakening.