russia and USA, a partnership from hell. If Americans do not take a stand against this, they’re beyond crazy. They’ll stand with murders, rapists, war criminals and child kidnappers.
I’d say nothing surprises me anymore …but the blatant arrogance of this regime to clearly be in cahoots with Putin is still very surprising. They don’t even try to bother hiding it.
I hope the people left in these positions are either too disgruntled to comply or too incompetent - either way, Hegseth is likely too stupid to understand.
The White House made their case for Putin very clear. All they need to do is to hoist the Russian flag and paint it red! They are Traitors to the sovereignty and dignity of Ukraine and its people.
I hear you. I still hoping, as we have the most powerful telescope, that we may be able to find a skeletal remains resembling a spine, an maybe a touch loyalty to the idea and constitution of America.
Suddenly, all our allies over the past 80 years are out while Putin and Russia are welcome to do whatever they want to the USA. Does this seem like reasonable foreign policy?
While not really surprising- this is very, very bad. Putin must be in ecstasy with his control over the moronic traitorous imbeciles in the faux US government…
So, the nation that coddles and enables the people who staged a ransomware attack on a company I had a contract with in 2024 - they aren't a threat? I lost three months of my life cleaning up after that. I bet most americans know at least one person negatively affected by Russian cyber gangsters.
Trump / Musk are afraid that Ukraine entry into NATO would provoke a nuclear response from Putin. They claim Zelensky doesn’t want peace. SECDEF stops CyberCommand planning scenarios. Seems about right
So it appears SecDef is doing Putin’s bidding as well as Trump/Vance. They are looking more and more like puppets of the Putin theater where gets to pull their strings on the world stage and they dance for him for his entertainment. We now have Russian realty tv from the White House.
What the actual fuck is happening in this country?! Seriously. Where are any of our leaders and what are they doing to keep us from being overtaken by Russia? This is insane. They’re not even trying to hide it.
listen up : the following people are a threat to Americans and to Europe. Curtis Yarvin, Peter Thiel, Musk, Trump, Vance and of course Putin. They are all an imminent threat
The take over is officially in place, now let easy access to the countries infrastructure and it's done like dinner for you guys in the USA! We all warned you this was coming, we got insulted, called whackos and downright told to mind our own business. Does it look real now?
Getting ready to lay down the Red Carpet, facilitating Russia's waltzing in to claim the remains. Given the speed of devolution in less than 2 months, it might be frighteningly sooner than later.
They need to disobey any unlawful orders. They took an oath to the Constitution. Hegseth is a piece of shit yes man cosplaying as secretary of defense.
Not interesting if you saw the influx of Russians here in DC. More like terrifying, foolish, the end of America stuff: we need to be very, very focused on what’s happening here.
Agree, but when the country is run by the traitor in chief, not going to happen. Trump/Musk, their ilk, congress/senate GOP, SCOTUS are treasonous. Doesn't leave much of a "checks and balances" system. Treason is normalized.
Russia cyberattacks us regularly, certainly the last 3 elections. But their psyops attacks on U.S. have been going on for long time. Read This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends for a good overview of cyberwarfare. Very chilling.
They wouldn’t even need to attack. This is probably opening up the ability for Russia to know anything the now former US knows. We’ll be comparing notes with our only ally until further notice.
What we need now is the military to answer to the Constitution they're sworn to protect. We've lost congress and much judiciary (plus Trump ilk won't obey courts anyway), so only one check/balance left. Do I expect them to do so? No.
This is worse than you even think it is. Russia's biggest assets are their cyberwar and propaganda arms. This open us up to even more ransomware. You think the healthcare industry has it bad, just wait til they are in the banks.
We talking about fElon Muck? Never seen him in a suit in the WH. He only ever looks like a dopey slob wearing sunglasses inside, which further highlights his idiocy.
America’s intelligence assets have all been compromised. The country is now an open book and its national secrets sold to the highest bidder. I wonder if the slope headed MAGATs understand what that means.
Your point hits home even more as we saw that felon 47 just flew his confiscated boxes back to Fla. He's opening up shop for his Russian Oligarch pals.
Now that the Trump administration is doing Putin's men's work he can send these people to kill more innocent Ukrainians.
Putin sends his gratitude.
"Siri, if Putin were given all the powers of the US Presidency plus whatever extra ones GOP sycophants would allow him - what would he be doing with the US Government?"
Searching that led me to this long tidbit from 9/24. Dems tried to warn everyone about project 2025. Gop deflected to blame biden harris shirk accountability deny defy lie repeat. LONG but dems call out everything that has transpired to date
Ok maybe I'm raised on too much tv but isn't the CIA like the only people who can assassinate Generals and Def Secs and a whole buncha other guys who just suck? Like I got the fact they're "apolitical" but they've never been anti democratic ish??
These MoFos are making America extremely vulnerable to attacks. If you have not looked into it, look up all the shit they have been doing to cyber since taking office.
So, are we just giving the f*ucking country voluntarily away to Putin?
Even the stupid f*ucking MAGAts are questioning it all.
Looks treasonous to me
Their taking them to Court Winning & Sentencing them
It most definitely will not until the two clowns are gone and Putin out.
What would Putin do differently?
Do you think this is far-fetched?
Treat them as such
They’ve been flying drones
Expect a significant increase in inflation very very soon 🔜
They all work for Putin.
Trump is stopping the hybrid war
against Russia,
but there is no indication that
Putin will stop his hybrid war
against the USA, leaving
Putin attacking us
Trump forces us to expose our unprotected belly
Wonder how that will go?
Answer: It’s not!
Putin rules their every move.
Made in Russia
must have been #tRump 's call out🔊📡🟢!
The Russians won't stop waging cyber war against the West.
Trump gives Russia another big win.
Cyber Command’s end makes Putin grin.
Hegseth’s a coward who fits right in.
USA is being dismantled from within.
Time to declare Open Season.
distraction was about
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
If not, why has Hegseth just ordered the government's cyber security agency to "stand down" regarding Russia?
🚨🚨Troll account alert🚨🚨
How do they not see him as anything
other than a threat?
Not even the ones who voted for Turnip. Fuck them.
He looks like a slob.
He looks like he just rolled out of bed. All wrinkled.
Now that the Trump administration is doing Putin's men's work he can send these people to kill more innocent Ukrainians.
Putin sends his gratitude.