Go to his next town hall if there is one. I bet there is a group who would love to go together who didn’t vote for him but he still “supposedly” represents the ENTIRE district. Our tax dollars pay their salaries even if we didn’t vote for them. Let’s Make them more scared to come back home together💜
I didn’t know about the one today. I will call to see if there is another one as I am anxious to go to attend one. Cornyn and Cruz are on my list as well.
It is totally valid to be anxious. I make sure to have a buddy with me when I go to anything political. I live in Portland and things can get scary even if we are peaceful. It helps to go with a plan, too. A list of direct questions with examples to ask. A route to leave safely and quickly if needed
I was told there’s one in Greenville on the 15th, but he might cancel now. When I called his office last week they didn’t tell me about this one. I would have went. Btw, I didn’t vote for him either.
If democrats are smart they will hold them and speak to the entire district. Address all the pain. Republican voters were lied to. Blatantly. They’re upset. They want someone to listen to them. Who better than Democrats who are trying to stop what is happening?
when i was in denton county it was Burgess and he’s one of the worst. an OBGYN who’s anti-abortion. now that district is Brandon Gill (who’s married to Dinesh D’Souza’s daughter). i feel bad for my brother and mom who live there
This is awesome and it is happening all over. It is catching on, people are pushing back, and hopefully these districts send their useless Rethuglican representatives packing.
For those of you that don't know, this is a very conservative area just north of the DFW metroplex with cities like Frisco, McKinney, Plano, Prosper and Allen.
They can't all be democrates especially in rural Texas. Most rural tx areas are MAGA country, so these are pissed off republican voters.
It's time for R senators to wake up and realize that not even Trump supporters voted for this shit. I know hubby supported Trump and that support is fading fast.
Yes the same cities who gave us wonderful Ken Paxton. Collin county is filled with Klans men and January 6ers. I know because I use to live down the street from a few Klans men in McKinney. High profile realtor who attended January 6th was from Frisco one of many.
You are correct. I have a friend in a very rural part of Grayson County that had KKK flyer put on his car.
Another friend on a local PD told me about the high presence of Aryan Brotherhood in the Collin/Grayson/Cooke/Fannin area.
These people walk amongst us, and we don't even know it.
When I lived on 380 in McKinney a black family moved into our neighborhood, early 2000's, and when we came home one night our neighbors 2 houses down were in full Klans dress and were burning torches. It was shocking. Your right they live amongst us. Dallas had the largest KKK they moved north.
This guy is my rep too. The staffers I have spoken to are polite, but his reply emails are always so condescending, like he doesn’t think we’re smart enough to see through his lies.
Sounds like our rep for the mid-cities area, Van Duyne. She could not care less. I have fun trolling the "polls" she sends out to her constituents every week though.
That reminds me of Mike Garcia who was in my district. He didn't give a damn. Cared more about what Trump thought. He didn't care until he was finally ejected from office after three elections (one of the bright spots back in November of 2024).
This area used to be farmland and ranches. With the Texas Guv's tax incentives, now it's corporate high rises and campuses for the employees. The millionaires now live in gated communities with security guards.
Very true. Real estate moguls that bought up all the farmland and turned it into urban sprawl. They're now encroaching into areas like Grayson County, doubling house prices and building large sub-divisions because of the TI chip plant going in off 75.
Thanks, Katy. My sister, also a liberal resister living in TX, similarly has to deal with others' poor assumptions that all Texans are MAGA. How do they think Beto got so close to winning, despite the worst gerrymandering in the USA? 💙
It’s incredibly difficult to remain optimistic and keep up the good fight when people forget there are a LOT of blue spots in this red state. We need support not suspicion
Texas MAGA Mouthpiece @keithself.bsky.social is the patron saint of “thoughts and prayers”. If more people were Christians and prayed, assault rifles would NOT have killed 8 innocent people in Allen TX, Keith’s #TX03 district…
Church attendance was higher in Nazi germany. Jesus didn’t stop them then either. They killed millions of their god’s “enemies”. That’s what they do. Over and over. For 15 centuries.
He is dead ass right. idk what universe Trump had them living by they got played like use car salesman. And now we all have to suffer for their ignorance
This was in my city this morning. I did NOT vote for him. 43% of our county (Collin County, TX) voted for Harris. We aren’t all brainwashed idiots, thanks.
Yes, but it’s not just them. Men in general have been complicit. I’m used to them voting with the (perceived) benefit to their wallets over our basic bodily autonomy forever, but lately they’re showing either they really are either asleep at the wheel
or just more gd evil than I gave them credit for
they love to say women refuse to take accountability for anything like we aren’t always held accountable for men’s actions against us.
because women fighting back is oppression somehow
tbh a lot of Texas men are just kinda quieter like that, not to over generalize or anything by any means just kind of a cultural thing I've noticed over my time here. Definitely doesn't apply to everyone of course, and still there's no excuse here.
Did I not literally just say this doesn't apply to everyone? I didn't offer that perspective for the defense of any of them mind you, I was just making an observation.
Do both! Donate to his primary opponent then vote for the Democrat in the general. As someone who lives in a red state I actually registered as a Republican to make my vote count in the primaries. Then I only vote Democrat in the general election. I tell my Reps I’m republican and I think you suck
Local media does NOT endorse feckless obstructionists @keithself.bsky.social.
His (former Republican) DNC @texasdemocrats.bsky.social challenger Sandeep Srivastava continues to gain momentum in #TX03, as the demographics of Collin and Hunt counties Texas quickly change.
The American public are LIONS when threatened, not sheep willing to be quietly lead to their own slaughter. GOP your cruelty, your betrayals will NOT be forgotten or forgiven.
Women are the ones who are seeing their rights and those of other individuals being taken away by increasingly hostile government action. It is time for any decent Republican left to take a stand and defend the constitution and the rights of all Americans. There is a message hear if you will listen.
I know!! Are they surprised?? We're not surprised!
Well. I am surprised the destruction is happening this fast. I thought they'd spend the first year destroying immigrants then destroy everything else in 2016. But no. They have run the U.S. completely into the dirt in 1.5 months. Breathtaking.
That's the plan to get everyone overwhelmed and confused, brainwashed and hating each other while they sneak through their tax breaks in the middle of the night thieves
Why are these people upset? They voted for this. They were all told what was going to happen. They don’t like it when it affects them do they? Too bad, so sad. Vote blue next time you imbeciles.
Federal workers who have been fired should seriously consider running for office, from school board to Congress.
They have very good experience how government at all levels works and have expertise that is valuable. Not like the know nothing Republican no nothing Congress.
One issue with this, is that Republicans have intentionally made a lot of essential local offices low or zero pay. That way only made Republicans can spare the time to hold them.
I understand that tactic in Red states, especially rural areas . Another obstacle to overcome in finding a good candidate. Remember AOC was a bar tender with a college degree when she ran for office at 27 for the first time in NYC , defeating an incumbent in a primary . It can be done .
I wish there was a support group and/or master class on how to get into politics. I’m so outraged… I know it starts local.. so how does one start the process to get involved in politics? I’d love to know. I’m ready to go!
Great questions ! Look around your neighborhood , town and join lobbying group : children , evirorment, historic preservation group ;show up to county or city meeting or committee mtgs and listen to what is goin on. Join Democratic Party in your area . Call them and volunteer .
Also check out https://goodparty.org, good for training and advocating for Independent and Progressive candidates for office at all levels, from local school boards to the President of the United Progressive States of America (thanks to Führer Trump our country is split between Progressives and Fascists.)
The problem.being in America, you have to have money to run for office, which is why the wealthy are overrepresented in elected officials. We need dismantling of the campaign process so the ultra rich can't buy anymore politicians
I refuse to concede here. It doesn't cost a lot to run for local elections, like local school boards and city councils, which are vital. The Republicans started this years ago and have infiltrated the system from the bottom up over many years.
Agreed. I’ve come to the conclusion of publicly funded elections. Shorten the campaign season to 3 months. End Citizens United. Don’t allow stock purchases while in office. The result will be more time to work on the needs of the people, end corporate influence, and stop self enrichment.
This is the real issue, if we knew the military and law enforcement would support the constitution and the people - since we pay their wages - it would've been over already. He's all for martial law
They redrew the district which was becoming purple to have a more rural population. Now it’s bright red again. Our last Representative was part of the Problem Solvers Caucus, now we have a MAGA disciple
Oh look, we've been blessed with a second opportunity to get our point across. You're all invited to come to Keith's Koffee Klatsch (part 2), to remind him that he's on the wrong side of history and needs to start doing right by his constituents.
Keith Self ….do your job indeed. Another collapsed fragile demasculanized coward who cannot stand up to the bully. Shame on you for abandoning the american people
I had hope for Texas in 2024! But you have some awesome democrats there, Colin Allred & Jasmine Crockett care about people for real! So the question is, was voter turnout okay? Because that should probably be the target, increasing access (lobby your state gov) & encouraging folks to vote.
We have all mail in/drop off ballots in my state. I can read through everything, think on it, then take 2 mins to drop it off anytime I want in a 3 week window. All states should do this. In the meantime, encourage people to get absentee ballots if they have any issue at all getting to the polls.
Texas came up with some horrible gotchas with the mail in ballots and shut down many voting sites and drop off sites. They made it harder to vote. I’ve never waited in line over an hour to vote early but I had to this time.
Can confirm, I was there. Also didn’t vote for him- but he still represents me. I think it was surprising in an area he won so handily to get this level of pushback. The line to speak was long and less than half got the opportunity.
WOW! This is TEXAS! Wouldn't it be a sight if Abbot was to show up at one of these town halls. It would never happen - he's always MIA for any event he'd have to answer tough questions & explain himself.
I paid $30 for a box of 60. 50c. ea. Check prices of Coffee. Meat. Cheese. Fruit n Veg. Butter almost 6 bucks for 4 sticks off brand? Yogurt. Cottage cheese. Peanut butter.
We still buy but we eat less I'm noticing.
BTW fast food can eff right off.
2 lbs of butter for ONE convenient mickyD meal.
I wish there was a better way to find out about this kind of thing. My local and regional news will NEVER say a thing about it. If it looks bad for businesses and realtors, it's invisible.
Tesla needs to be run out of Texas. Musk’s money is corrupting the state even more than it already was. Added with Tim Dunn’s Christian Taliban funding, it’s too much.
If the constituents are actually patriotic and care about their country they need to impeach or vote out every single republican in office at any level.
NO TIME FOR NEXT VOTE, PEOPLE. At this rate, there won't be real votes anymore. Not in 2026, not in 2028. You guys will have "elections" the same way Russia has....
To late for that. A real revolution is needed. They will destroy any semblance of elections, if they haven't already. Can't count on congress either. ORGANIZE
We All Can Yell As Much As We Want.
Until #Trump harms #MAGA enough to where MAGA will No Longer Threaten Physical Violence, Trump (and his minions) have No Reason to curtail any actions they're taking-or planning to take.
Getting the spotlight off trump is an excellent move. Keep that goal at the top of your list of priorities. Take a page from the gop by taking ALL the attention, by grandstanding in unprecedented & unexpected fashion. SHOCK & OVERWHELM every news cycle. Do NOT play nice. That game is over.
If we stand up together and fight back we will win! Call every day - over and over until they hear us! NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE US! We have to do this on our own!
I’ve kinda lost all patience with these fucking people. They vote for politicians that have openly told us they’re going to destroy the administrative state & replace it with a fascist dictator. None of them gets it until it steamrolls them, personally!
It's more important to stop the collapse of democracy to me than to continue being angry that the MAGAs got flooded with propaganda and couldn't find their way out of it. Some people are dumb and bigoted and they got played by messaging that riled that up.
Shouting at each other clearly didn't change anything in the last 10 years. It doesn't mean i'm not angry or I forgive them for all the awful shit they voted for, but if we can turn the tide and make REAL change that is sorely needed, that's more important.
Do you notice that it's mostly women in there. Just like it was a woman who was assaulted a few days ago at a town hall mtg. We women have become the fighters, the more-involved defenders of our democracy. Of course, a lot of it is because the repugs hate independent women and want to restrict us
The same thing happened weeks ago at our house of worship. Asked about how we were doing only women stood up and talked about the agonies occurring. Our husbands all stayed seated and said nothing.
Women must become the warriors in this moment. It would be nice if men were active allies, but they very clearly don't feel the same urgency. And why would they? They're not the ones being targeted. It is women, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ folks that have everything to lose.
Some men have said - not to worry we survived his first term. They don't get they've been planning this whole time so they're back and they're ferocious
Men just do not understand. This is no longer an existential threat. The first term was just practice. And we need to meet their ferocity with that same energy. Every single women needs to tap into her rage and become ferocious warriors against the Christo-fascist agenda.
I have said elsewhere on blue sky but I'll say it again. American women are a.m.a.z.i.n.g. From AOC to Jasmine Crockett to Elizabeth Warren to Danielle Sassoon ( my apologies for those that I have missed) - they stand and fight - respect from Canada.
I’m not sure why everyone is attacking these people. They went to the town hall. They are showing resistance. The antintrump antifacist movement needs allies or we are lost.
What is up with that? Why are men not raising their voices. If you are not going to help, stay home. Bake a cake. Sit in your recliner and watch sports. Speak up or get out of the way.
I guess the best that can be said is that those men were there. Increasing the number present is helpful and maybe they'll learn something more than if they'd stayed home watching sports.
Even though I’m a man, I’m a gay, stay at home spouse, and I totally understand y’all. My husband passes the hamper every morning, yet his undies remain on the floor, for me 👿. I thought you might enjoy this meme my friend from college sent me. She knew I’d enjoy it, you probably will, too!
Someone said to me, "If women valued themselves more than they value men, fewer males would be allowed to live after birth. I'm starting to wonder if the value that men bring to humanity is worth the death and destruction men inflict on humanity". They aren't. They prove it daily.
Soft, suit wearing Republicans can't even begin to fathom what it's like to fight against a bully. Our country was humiliated before the entire world. While simple-minded idiots celebrate the childishness of our president's administration, educated people are embarrassed to say they're Americans.
Keep telling them I told you so. They wanted to force women to give birth against their will and hurt minorities. They are only mad now because it’s them who that are hurting
No, I really don't think Trump voters voted for this. I think many Trump voters voted for the same things we Harris voters did. Lower food prices, security, safety, and American values. The big difference is that Harris voters have a longer memory and remember the first Trump term
I agree Americans have short term memory issues - but people literally barely survived his first term.. Trump administration & his circle have never had American values, or kept anyone safe except their damn selves. Anyone who thought GOP would make their life better is a fool or a racist.
They were warned MILLIONS OF TIMES they seen a woman and were sexist. Calling her a whore and sleeping to the top. Using the patriarchal methods to break down her character. They voted for a rapist,sexist, bankrupt failed business man. They got exactly what they voted for. They knew
YEP!!! Now they’re all getting raped and bankrupted by a fraud of a President! Stealing from us in our face, and selling America to the Billionaires. It’s so disgusting. NO SYMPATHY HERE.
Guaranteed? There is no way to know how they voted, and the only reason to assume they did is if you think every voter in this district voted that way.
About 143k people voted for the Democratic candidate running against this guy and some are likely in this video.
They suck but getting them mad at this regime and outraged is the only chance we got and the faster and more angry the better, you know? We can worry about their terrible ethics and selfishness later, we need them fucking pissed and ready to fly of the handle NOW
I also feel the same but we know it takes ALOT for republicans to get angry like that in Texas. We have to support each other to run these POS out of office.
We can actually win in two Florida special elections in a month and take back the House. I know it sounds delusional but Florida has millions of Democrats that have given up. If we show up.. we can win.
Wow…. these crowds of “paid protesters” are getting bigger and bigger. I wonder if Mike Johnson got the memo 🧐 Tell Mike they are really starting to sell it and America isn’t buying it anymore.
Self has been in office since 2023 (1 @2-year term.)
In 2028, after 5 years in office (less than 3 terms), he'll vest in the federal PENSION. He'll have NO incentive to work for his constituents but he'll have taxpayer backed income until his last breath.
Exactly all they do is waste, fraud and abuse. Whatever they accuse others of doing - that is what they're doing. Did you see Vance ski trip? 20 secret service car brigade pulled up on our dime
Not everyone in Texas voted for Trump. Not even everyone in rural Texas voted for Trump. I live in rural Texas, and I sure in the hell did not vote for Trump. I voted for HER. I voted for Allred. I did not vote for this shit but that doesn't seem to matter much because we are all getting screwed.
Sorry for your pain. I’m in Virginia where the pendulum swings from red to purple to blue and back. . It’s so sad bc voters could have clearly found project 2025 to know what was coming.
No. The Collin County Community College campus police chief was very respectful and — nervously — asked everyone in attendance to please respect decorum.
The event was loud and vocal but nobody required police intervention.
Maybe they'd take angry crowds more seriously if the crowds turned up with torches and pitchforks. I'm not saying "get violent". Just look the part and be convincing.
Love this!!! Please stop bashing about Republicans! Any republican/Trump voters who willingly to stand up for democracy are our allies. Only fools will say things to turn the allies away!
My conmen don't have town halls. I think they realize that people around here are getting mad--and they are all armed. And I'm talking about MAGA folks!
“Repeat” is the only button that works in their brains. They said the same thing about Jan 6, Lloyd Floyd demonstrations, and the demonstrations against Trump holding his bible in front of the Episcopal church by the WH.
Even if they are Dems, if he’s their rep, they have every reason to be there. I’m just on the other side of the boundary so he’s not mine but I’d have been there if he was.
This lie will only work if they aren't talking among each other. I already see people I know voted for Trump on friends posts losing their shit over what he's doing.
People that used to chime in and brag about their orange savior winning.
75% of those people probably voted for him, and in the next election, they'll probably still vote for him. And if it's not him, they'll continue to blindly support the GOP.
The Democratic party needs to look long and hard at why they are so utterly unelectable by huge swaths of the population. They aren't even an option for many voters. I have no faith that the DNC would ever do the soul searching needed to try to win back these voters.
Sorry dude, that BS needs to put to rest. More blacks, Asians & hispanics voted for Trump than any other Republican in history. Constantly running to the race-card helps no one.
Dems stopped listening to the middle class when they were hurting. For 4 years they couldn't connect to average Joes.
I thought Joe did a lot for the middle class. A lot of voters are misguided by lies from the GOP. The Dems consistently put forth bills that benefit actual people. What are Dems doing so wrong? I don’t get it. I find young men that like Trump have no empathy and are assholes. Horrible humans!
Let me clarify. I agree that Biden did a lot of things. But doing something & communicating w/ voters are 2 totally different things.
Perception is more important than reality.
Most folks do not listen to news. Dems do a god awful job at connecting w/ voters & letting them know what they're up to.
Even in the not-so-wealthy areas, a Democratic candidate is a nonstarter. Wouldn't even be considered. That should be an eye-opener for the DNC to figure out WHY that is, but that takes real, honest, frank discussions and I don't see that ever happening.
Pay attention to the males in that audience. Most of which aren't chanting anything. Several are sitting there smiling, like this is some kind of game.
They thought it would be like last time, which was bad enough. This time they are ramming through all the heritage foundation’s objectives because he’s doesn’t care what anyone thinks. Except Putin.
GOP has forgotten via White Supremacy dogma who they work for. The people are boss in a Democracy- they don’t fundamentally believe in Democracy. Trump/MusQ have taught them that. They work for us. It’s not a corporation-
we hire we fire
When they call us "a nasty woman" that's when we know we've touched a nerve with them & they have heard our message. & They know we are unhappy with them. It's like a badge of honor. 🤭
Indeed... but they are cowards, so what do you expect? Nobody ever stands up to these sniveling sycophants. Why they think trump is anything but a confidence man, with a not even that good Kansas City shuffle, trick, I'll never know. Because that's all he is & big mouth bully. #DarkMatterSouls ☮️🖖
I’m sorry, but could give a flying fuck about these motherfuckers in that Texas district. They get what they deserve.
Boycott all maga corporations and churches
TX-03 is comprised of mid to upper-mid suburbs to the NE of Dallas. My MAGA nephew lives there. It is home to mostly young, white (or occasionally Asian) professional men married to proverbial soccer moms. Median income" $130K. It's one of the reddest of red districts. If he's getting booed there
This is my district and I was there. It is very red. A very heavy police presence. He started off with a GOP Propaganda show, but we yelled over him to answer questions, and he cut it short. We also chanted “answer the question” because he was so evasive. As he left, we chanted “vote you out”.
DOGE, veterans, medicaid, Trumps disrespect to Zelenskyy, Turning our backs on our allies, Aligning with Russia, One woman has a son with pancreatic cancer and Trump’s EO to stop funding means now he can’t get the new medicine he was just approved for, making Trump birthday a national holiday, etc.
Thanks for the demographics. It's very helpful to hear these things because I am not familiar with this part of the country and I know a lot of other people aren't, either.
She didn't look behind her so she could not have seen the cop. She looked to the right when someone was screaming and then she got quiet right away. Look again.
Welp... You stupid fucking Republican morons ASKED for this shit. And in the process... You fucked ALL of us over.
Next time you go to the polls... "DO YOUR JOB." Vote for what MAKES SENSE for our country. NOT WOULD-BE DICTATORS WHO DON'T ACTUALLY GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU.
Please don't assume that everyone in that room voted for Trump! TX has a strong Democratic minority. The state is gerrymandered to keep the GOP in power.
He was not and has not been doing his job for years. Yet, ALL these folks voted for him, AGAIN.
They didn’t realize the Democratic Party has been carrying this country. Now they demand accountability 🤔😵💫🧐 GTFO 😡
I have to admit, I had to look him up to see if he's dem or rep. He's rep btw. And I know he's in Texas, but you never know these days. It's time for these 'representatives' to grow some cojones and do their jobs.
They need to seize this.
when i was in denton county it was Burgess and he’s one of the worst. an OBGYN who’s anti-abortion. now that district is Brandon Gill (who’s married to Dinesh D’Souza’s daughter). i feel bad for my brother and mom who live there
It's time for R senators to wake up and realize that not even Trump supporters voted for this shit. I know hubby supported Trump and that support is fading fast.
Another friend on a local PD told me about the high presence of Aryan Brotherhood in the Collin/Grayson/Cooke/Fannin area.
These people walk amongst us, and we don't even know it.
Trump gave them permission to crawl back out.
Don't. Vote. Red!
Like we told you.
Are republican men, really that weak?
or just more gd evil than I gave them credit for
because women fighting back is oppression somehow
Compare Jasmine and AoC to Schumer and Jeffries!
YOU not Them hold the POWER!
His (former Republican) DNC @texasdemocrats.bsky.social challenger Sandeep Srivastava continues to gain momentum in #TX03, as the demographics of Collin and Hunt counties Texas quickly change.
Well. I am surprised the destruction is happening this fast. I thought they'd spend the first year destroying immigrants then destroy everything else in 2016. But no. They have run the U.S. completely into the dirt in 1.5 months. Breathtaking.
Weekends are the perfect time to call & leave a voicemail
(202) 225-4201
They have very good experience how government at all levels works and have expertise that is valuable. Not like the know nothing Republican no nothing Congress.
We are what gives money value, not the other way around
After all, Juneteenth sprung from Conservative Collin Co, TX!
The fact several Texas hundred voters participated in @keithself.bsky.social’s town hall should be a wake up call to principled Republicans!
"why start now"
Al Prazolam.
We still buy but we eat less I'm noticing.
BTW fast food can eff right off.
2 lbs of butter for ONE convenient mickyD meal.
There's a Tesla in League City, TX 🤮🤮🤮
Weekends are the perfect time to call & leave a voicemail
(202) 225-4201
Regardless of political party, people like that don’t work for people like us.
Now, I need to go pray toward Donald Trump.
Weekends are the perfect time to call & leave a voicemail
(202) 225-4201
Until #Trump harms #MAGA enough to where MAGA will No Longer Threaten Physical Violence, Trump (and his minions) have No Reason to curtail any actions they're taking-or planning to take.
Looks to me like we were resisting here. There’s another one coming up in Greenville later this month. I urge you to come resist with us.
In the bluest district there are red voters, and in the reddest district there are blue voters.
Their bs!!
Now I'm saving for future use
Mahalo nui 🌺🤙🌺
I truly believe we need a worldwide Matriarchy right now to save the whole planet. #MothersofEarth
About 143k people voted for the Democratic candidate running against this guy and some are likely in this video.
Rural controlled by church.
It's complicated
In 2028, after 5 years in office (less than 3 terms), he'll vest in the federal PENSION. He'll have NO incentive to work for his constituents but he'll have taxpayer backed income until his last breath.
Find, Fund and promote his next opponent.
You’re responsible. All of you are.
The event was loud and vocal but nobody required police intervention.
I think they should bring them back.
Brilliant 👏👏👏👏
Come on men. Wake up
he’d be better off going to pick out his plot and laying in it. he’s a walking corpse
i’m so glad my rep is Jasmine Crockett every day
People that used to chime in and brag about their orange savior winning.
They emboldened him, they can destroy him.
Dems stopped listening to the middle class when they were hurting. For 4 years they couldn't connect to average Joes.
Perception is more important than reality.
Most folks do not listen to news. Dems do a god awful job at connecting w/ voters & letting them know what they're up to.
we hire we fire
Constitution, Schmonstitution, amiright?
Boycott all maga corporations and churches
Weekends are the perfect time to call & leave a voicemail
(202) 225-4201
Someone start screaming something to the right and she immediately stops the "DO YOUR JOB" and then everyone stops?
What happened there?
Don't hold Town Halls.
Next time you go to the polls... "DO YOUR JOB." Vote for what MAKES SENSE for our country. NOT WOULD-BE DICTATORS WHO DON'T ACTUALLY GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU.
They didn’t realize the Democratic Party has been carrying this country. Now they demand accountability 🤔😵💫🧐 GTFO 😡
“Do your job!”
Sorry, too late…
Weekends are the perfect time to call & leave a voicemail
(202) 225-4201