Yet that was proven the first time around. No one is surprised except Trumpanzees. And that guy would vote for him again.
Best part is hiring veterans is the ultimate DEI hire but that guy cries woke towards anything else.
You know why they are targeting veterans right? They are civilian soldiers. We have 15.8 million veterans in the United States, which is 6.1% of the civilian population. We only have about 2.1 million active troops in the U.S.
I hate that this is being done to veterans, but I can't help but ask myself how many veterans being hit by Trump's policies voted for Trump because they thought he was going to hurt other people, brown people, black people, immigrants, women, etc... A huge percentage were okay with us being hurt.
There is a window for healing and growth here. If you can find yourself to a place of forgiveness and work to support them this could change America for the better. That's a lot to ask and nobody would blame you for not doing, but this could be a huge moment for America.
Speaking only for myself as a Vietnam vet, I didn’t vote for him. Ever. Yet I would welcome into the fold, without judgment, even those who voted for him if their support could help to correct our course.
I'm going to thank you for your service Brad, even as a Canadian with your country trying to cause us harm I appreciate the service of you and your brothers. You have protected the world for generations. You don't deserve what is being done to you. It's a tragedy.
Agreed. And I would hope it would be a lesson learned and not just another selfish move on their part. I lived amongst bigots for 10 years, some vets, some not, and too often they were only motivated by their own self-interest. I always hope people grow.
I'm a veteran and I don't support them all. Plenty of them are absolute trash, and at this point, if they're still supporting Trump, they have already violated their oaths.
I will always support veterans in the sense that they served our country and they deserve certain things in return. Of course if they decide to be traitors, all bets are off. But that's obviously something considered on an individual basis.
Biden ended every speech with, “God bless our veterans and god protect our troops” And lost his son who was a vet of the Iraq war and Veterans shit all over him. Trump called soldiers losers and they loved it. Most are Fox News brainwashed and still love Trump as he throws them out on the street.
My father a World War II participant, I’m not anti-veteran in fact, admire all and anyone who served i. So I think somebody once said when somebody says something, the first time believe them. And Trump has shown by his words, actions, and in actions (bone spur deferments) that he does not .
Maya Angelou 💙 Lots of people know the part "When somebody shows you who they are, believe them", but crucially forget the ending "...the first time". I try to have empathy, but I just don't understand how anyone could believe he wasn't going to continue the extreme harm started the first term.
Thanks I didn’t remember who had said it and I didn’t quote it correctly. I couldn’t remember lol but yes, it was her thank you and I don’t understand either he shows his hate all the time for everything and everyone he’s vindictive against many
Aside from this being awesome… I just want to say FINALLY an interview with someone who isn’t MAGA. I have had enough of their “takes” on national and global matters.
A town hall in every Republican district NOW,! Trump and Musk are going after veterans and there are veterans in every town and veterans found in most American families. Democrats, let’s show America what good government looks like! We take care of our own and we ARE ALL our own!
I don't trust our military to say "NO!" to Trump if he tells them to take up arms against US. I'M a vet & a Lib who does not trust veterans to not do TO US whatever Trump asks. You all voted for him & you scare me. That should bother you but it doesn't.
#USN #PersianGulf #ODS #FH6AwaliBahrain
When he starts WWIII, I should hope the military (and civilians) understand exactly who caused their suffering and acts accordingly. Remember, this regime doesn't care if you live or die.
What do you expect from draft dodgers with bones “cough, cough “spurs. Veterans are not the type of people that you would want to piss off. Trust me on this one!
Trump has always said military are all losers, he said so last time he was president and how any of your heroes could vote for him is shameful and beyond my comprehension, you put your life on the line and your president can’t stand you and now he’s sold you out to the Russians..WOW.. HE IS SCUM
how about Congressional Dem contingent tour military bases and meet w/military spouses and tell them: when your husband/wife is discharged because they are no longer able to serve due to be wounded or disabled, Donald Trump will not take care of them
What they claim to be and what they do is the reasons for us to be alarm. They divide us and then abuse us. No one is safe in these oligarchs and wealthy provocateurs. 😟
Clearly he is a Soros paid actor sent to criticize the work of doge to save America!!! (Who believes that line of BS? The people speaking out we hear you.)
Their political system looks interesting, it looks like it was designed to stop one, or even two parties having too much control, something that the USA, and other countries should consider. No idea if it works, and they did have an election due to a coalition falling apart.
I just hope that the AfD (fascists) don't get stronger. Nobody needs them, just like nobody needs Trump. These people only divide. They enrich themselves. Toxic old men.
I believe that it was the USA that influenced West Germany to get a stable constitution. Having multiple parties has the advantage that they have to find a consensus and the various opposition parties have the task of being a kind of "guilty conscience" for the government.
Closer to 50% who didn't vote in fascists I would think?
28.6% voted for the christian twins
20.8% voted for the friends of elon musk (10% swing to this party)
The CDU/CSU (Union) is a democratic party. After Chancellor Merkel, they have moved from the center to the right, but they are not comparable to the fascists of the AfD. Musk supports a party that wants to abolish our constitution, wants to leave the EU,
They will only care when it happens to them personally. They didn't die of Covid, therefore Covid was fake. If they don't get fired by Trump then Trump loves veterans. Any MAGA who makes it though this mostly unscathed will still be MAGA no matter what happens to everyone else.
Yesterday I saw this very story and the narrator also pointed out that that about 2/3 of veterans voted for him…why? He has disparaged veterans all along at every opportunity, and what they didn’t see it?
My "Senator" is up for reelection next year and I'm hoping that Roy Cooper decides to run against him because as a Vet I want someone this has the courage to stand up to this anti Veteran administration and our current Senator is too cowardly to do that.
What do current military and National Guard think about how the veterans are being treated? Will they resist unconstitutional orders to fire on American citizens or arrest peaceful protesters? Will they resist unlawful orders? The military may be our saviors or his enforcers.
But how many voted for the felon? How many of them would support him if only he'd give them their job back? Do they care about how other policies affect other people?
A trustworthy, reliable veteran, who served in #fotus first term, told them that he called them suckers and losers but they voted for him anyway so tough 💩
.......AND despite all evidence of who he was, most veterans voted for him, for this psychotic menace. It was all too amusing, too funny to them when it was aimed at others. rip children from parents , throw them on concrete floors to sleep, we all earned this, deserve it
Dropping off donations at Goodwill in Phoenix yesterday I saw a disabled vet coming across the parking lot on a motorized scooter, clearly homeless, wearing a fucking red MAGA hat. I was speechless.
Dems have demonstrated they are not coming to save us.
If we want to get these fascists out of power, we have to do it ourselves, and most likely if we are somewhat successful we need to be prepared for the Democratic party fighting us as well
Blaming the voters is the opposite way to look at this.
The party and candidates failed to deliver the votes they needed to win, they failed, and if Elon and Trump hacked machines to rig it, it was the opposition's lack of investigation, lack of vigilance, and lack of security that allowed it.
Exactly. So tired of hearing about voting when it was certainly rigged. The outcome would likely have been the same, no matter who voted. People just don't understand how psychopaths operate. They do not believe rules apply to them, and the means always justifies the end.
If you didn't vote then fine, blame yourself for the election, but blaming "the voters" is a waste of time and gets you nowhere.
If you think the problem is the voters then there's nothing you can do to change that, because if there was, and the candidate didnt do it, then it's the candidates fault
To commenters here whining about how veterans voted for 47. I never have. Democrats need to overhaul our messaging is on issues not just veterans, but most voters care about. We are undisciplined and ineffective and have been for decades. Leave vets alone and fix yourselves. LT, USN (ret)
People aren't just going to suffer, veterans are going to die due to this blatant attack on those of us who answered the call. Again, veterans get fucked for bullshit politics.
It's high time to remind politicians who they work for & to ensure billionaires are aware they exist only because of us
cong vanorden - vet reached out to him for help cause he was fired and the congreesman told him if he didn't spend so much time on fb dissing trump maybe he would still have a job. so basically told him to fuck off. and he has canceled all his town halls bec its all actors protesting ask for d/l
Time for the Veterans to teach Billionaires what fear is and how it can affect one's life decisions.
Draft dodger as a President, an Illegal Immigrant stealing the US Treasure and destroying our lives on the daily. Stealing Food from the Hungry, Stealing the healthcare of the sick, Just Theft. FDT&V
He'd let you die for him, but he won't lift a finger to help you. Our veterans and our citizens deserve better. He needs to be imprisoned for treason along with anyone who is helping him. We must excise the cancer from our country. Take out the trash!
80%. US Military is the world largest indoctrination system for the GOP. Very easy to feed them disinformation since they have all been shown to be followers.
They're literally conditioned to be followers, so, yeah, it's easy to program them once they're in. It's the ultimate brainwashing exercise that helps generate more thoughtless drones.
That said, every federal enforcement agency in the country is run by conservatives and has been since forever. I'd say each and every liberal president has failed to meet the inevitable future we're now facing. They could've worked harder to change the culture, but it was never a priority.
I spent a lot of time sharing info about VP Harris in our red Texas county before the election. I’m from a military family and was always hurt that the hardest people to talk to were veterans. 95% hardcore Trump. Refused to believe he called them losers and suckers.
Married to one - both born/raised here. The stereotypes have not been pleasant to retire home to live near family/raise kids - from both sides. I felt chaised away by both an OBGYN & a hairstylist without them asking what we value. Flipside, MAGA becomes *very* hostile when we speak up to assumption
I didn't write that they were. I will stay thethered to being authentic and not allow anything to fade - allowing myself to lie to myself for any political party. The MAGA hostility and screaming is because of Trump. I wish anyone *not MAGA* wouldn’t assume, judge, discard, and push people away.
I live half my life amongst the MAGAs in a white supremacist Texas county. They refuse to consider anything beyond the rightwing media bubble. My husband and I have spent money and time being great neighbors. Our Trumper neighbors love us, but after 10 years we have no tolerance left for them.
Many of them are really nice up and until you dare want equal rights, in the ways that matter. They're kind if you bdlieve like them and you don't make too much noise, and stay in your place.
If they were all so nice they would not be zupporting T.
60% of veterans voted for rump. I feel bad for the ones who didn't vote for him. To the ones who did: elections have consequences, he told you who he was over and over again. You didn't listen 👂
AND MSNBC CANCELLED ALEX WAGNER’S SHOW. Reporting like this will be reduced to clips shown in between Mika’s giggling and possibly on a late morning show as filler.
Not just the VA. The Federal Government is overwhelmingly the largest employer of veterans across every agency. This is a sword to the chest of our fighting forces across the globe - wherever there is the presence of the US government. With consulates closing everywhere, shame on us.
Since we're rebooting all the hits from roughly a century ago—high tariffs, Gilded Age plutocrats, fashionable eugenics, anti-democracy Supreme Court—isn't it time for a Bonus Army?
1/6. Trump admin on brand. Removing MoH recipient from military rolls. Trump stated Pres Medal of Freedom (given by Pres for any reason) he gave to major donor higher honor than military Medal of Honor bc lots of MoH winners get shot or killed. Trump desecrated Arlington
Of the veterans who voted, SIXTY PERCENT VOTED FOR the vile orange man--stupidly & naively believing his repeated lies that he alone could save them. Well, he's got his hands around their throats.
Sorry, fuckers. I ain't got time for that nonsense.
Because tribalism wins over common sense. I am a combat veteran. I never voted for Trump. I voted for Clinton, Biden, Harris. I knew what was a stake and I recognize a Russian asset and traitor when I see them. Lessons learned in blood are never forgotten
The part that frustrates me is that he stated a lot of these things about the VA about veterans and they didn't listen and they rallied together to vote for him! I'm seriously having trouble when I see these old fucks walking around with a trump hat and expecting me to thank them for their service
When workers protested for more humane treatment, billionaires in 1886 had workers executed. A grueling 5 day work week wasn't something that was magically given to us. It was fought for and achieved through blood sweat and tears.
Not to seem callous but acknowledging that "the billionaires r the only ones that matter" in 2025 is a lack of understanding of history. In 1886 workers died protesting for a 5-day 8-hour work week. The BayView massacre took place because billionaires at the time felt workers should never getadayoff
And for those vets who voted for him, remember he lies and serves himself & his rich cohorts. A government of incompetents making orders & ignoring the needs of the people
During his 1st administration, Diaper Don made it clear he hates vets. In his self aggrandizing parade he had wounded vets removed. More recently he had a vet who was an amputee who suffered a stroke removed saying “nobody wants to see that. In Arlington Cemetery Trump trampled graves.
To all who resist:
Stay strong.
Don’t let disillusionment win.
What you must do:
Find your community, join hands, and protest together.
Local organizations are your allies in this fight - get involved, stay connected, and remember: we’re stronger united!
The feeling of unity is exhilarating!
There is no one coming to save us.
No one.
WE must save ourselves!
WE must save our country!
WE must save democracy!
OUR actions can and will stop him!
Stand with your friends on the street!
Feel YOUR power.
OUR power!
It's up to us.
WE will do this together.
THEY will join us eventually.
They use YOUNG moldable men to do their dirt in the name of HONOR. They train them to kill and follow orders. Add misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, and racism to the mix. Also, most of the vets for trump have no more than a high school education.
Thankfully, he lives far enough down street that I don't have to see his house decorated in Trump shit or interact w him. The only thing I know abt him is that he is brainwashed. And that he has received unmarked a time or 2, with truthful articles about the attack on vets. 😉
I've got a couple in my neighborhood. They were flamboyantly trumpers at election time, now not so much. I would hope they have seen the error of their ways after 2 months of old bone spurs.
Something I never ever thought I'd see when I so proudly took the oath 43 years ago. Active duty & Veterans siding with a traitor. Keep the faith Nibblez and let's fight on. 🥊
Sorry, but if our veterans and current military keep voting for this fucking loser then I don't want them serving in our military. If you can get so cucked and soyed out for a loser-simp like Trump, and how he kneels for Putin, then you deserve to be ridiculed, ostracized, and shamed.
1000%. So many vets vote for exactly this. This is no different than the first time around. He laughs at the military yet they vote for him. He trains the military to cry about “woke” and DEI yet hiring military is the ultimate Dei hire.
They hear “anti war” and “America first, take care of our own” and “ Christian conservative family values to replace wokeness” and they stop thinking after that. ‘Murica! Jesus and Trump! Yaaaaahh!!
I am a Vietnam vet. I have thought of the other Vietnam Vets as brothers. Not now, I’ve seen so much maga at the VA it’s nauseating. Now I’m ashamed. I never want to be a vet who supports someone calling us suckers and losers but it seems to put a big % of them in ecstasy.
There are lots of veterans in my family, and a couple of them are currently serving. They are so outraged that so many would vote for a draft dodger/fortunate son.
Then you make sure they talk to their military friends and show them what this country is being turned into by the right. It’s not the ‘far-right’, but the entire right. There are no innocents on the right. They’re all traitors.
It's the most anti-American administration ever.
He's been shitting on Veterans for a decade. I'd really like to know how many people in that room voted for him & wtf were they thinking? His PR stunt at Arlington National Cemetery would of been enough to sink any candidate. Yet here we are.
Completely agree, and while I was a veteran fan of Senator McCain, I was never a political fan, until the moment he stood up and gave the decisive thumbs down on the GOP plan to terminate healthcare. While I didn’t vote for or support him, his value in my eyes went way up at that moment.
I'm just waiting for the very first time in American history. that we would put a President and his cabinet members along with the Republican representatives in jail. Because they wouldn't do anything to stop the destructive ruining and ripping off of our nation.
Justice should have happened when he was impeached the 1st time.DJT/Putin are playing zero sum games with billions of lives. GOP/monied class use our own institutions agains us. 2 men & their scurvy minions shouldn't have such sway over the lives of the rest of us. EVER! A pox on all their houses!!!
Did You Think He Was Kidding!? Also, let's not forget his first term treatment of veterans! "Suckers & Losers!" "I can't be seen with injured people near me!" The GOP block benefits from toxic burn pits...!
Could it be the 2 most powerful men in the administration are both draft avoiders? Trump had "bone spurs" & Musk migrated to Canada to avoid the draft in South Africa that existed at the time. Interestingly the draft in S Africa only applied to white men.
Can you imagine that, "Anti-veteran" despite ALL THE YEARS of military service that Donald, Don Jr., Eric, Barron, and Jared put in!!!.... er, uh, ohh, wait... ummm, n-n-n-n-nevermind...
Gives anyone pause to consider a career in the military if their government won't have their backs once they are discharged.
Just watching how existing veterans are getting screwed over, one would have to be completely out of their mind to expect anything different if they enlisted.
PSYCHOPATH Trump (KGB Codename since 1987: Krasnov) has been PSYCHOPATH Putin’s bootlicker for decades.
Trapped within the behavior patterns of their disorder, WORLD DOMINATION/ENSLAVEMENT is the agenda as RUSSIA’s Republicans—also cultivated over decades—destroy America/Americans to pave the way.
Best part is hiring veterans is the ultimate DEI hire but that guy cries woke towards anything else.
I'm going to thank you for your service Brad, even as a Canadian with your country trying to cause us harm I appreciate the service of you and your brothers. You have protected the world for generations. You don't deserve what is being done to you. It's a tragedy.
Not all exit polls are good polls.
(202) 224-3121
They do not side with veterans that went to war to keep this country safe for you and me.
anti-we the people ever. If you aren't a rich donor, it has no use for you.
Maga vets: thank you sir, may I have another.
#USN #PersianGulf #ODS #FH6AwaliBahrain
To all Democrats and Republicans who fight against fascism; this message is from a retired veteran.
There are total 4 screenshots.
It sounds like he wants Rs to help set our policy.
That's a no.
We all fight together, but the principles and commitment to civil and human rights, for ALL, cannot be abandoned.
POW Sen. John McCain wasn't a hero because he got captured.
...what fool ever thought he respected Military Service Vets?
Mirror back using MAGA rhetoric.
Trump signs Executive Order to rehire Veterans and say they can never be fired
Our lives are a reality tv game show for him
Republicans voted against enhanced medical care for burn pit injuries.
Republicans voted against increasing combat pay.
Veterans are just a prop Republicans use for their campaign advertisements.
CNN’s Laura Coates talks to James Diaz, a #veteran who was recently fired by the IRS, who says he voted for Trump three times but doesn’t regret his vote.
No sympathy.
28.6% voted for the christian twins
20.8% voted for the friends of elon musk (10% swing to this party)
I found this interesting, and well presented
Why do they vote for him?
And excuse his bullshit ??
The Veterans
Alex Wagner
Both got screwed by Trump’s bullshit policies.
They were warned what was coming, but all that hate was just too tempting to say no to.
And still wearing their MAGA gear. I don't get it.
Many older folks get scammed all the time.
If we want to get these fascists out of power, we have to do it ourselves, and most likely if we are somewhat successful we need to be prepared for the Democratic party fighting us as well
The party and candidates failed to deliver the votes they needed to win, they failed, and if Elon and Trump hacked machines to rig it, it was the opposition's lack of investigation, lack of vigilance, and lack of security that allowed it.
We're grown people.
Sometimes, we need to make tough choices.
Sometimes, people should do this and should do that, but we still have to make a calculation. We have to look at the consequences.
We can only control ourselves.
Taking our ball and going home meant choosing fascism.
If you think the problem is the voters then there's nothing you can do to change that, because if there was, and the candidate didnt do it, then it's the candidates fault
That doesn't mean I'm going to sit back and help someone who is far worse.
We still do what we need to minimize harm.
It wasn't normal. We were in danger.
Yes, they're responsible for their own actions.
They did not punish Harris or Biden. They punished regular people.
These people are just dumb!
It's high time to remind politicians who they work for & to ensure billionaires are aware they exist only because of us
Draft dodger as a President, an Illegal Immigrant stealing the US Treasure and destroying our lives on the daily. Stealing Food from the Hungry, Stealing the healthcare of the sick, Just Theft. FDT&V
I can imagine.
It has nothing to do with a party.
Trump didn't make these people. He has made space for them to feel comfortable to say what is in their hearts.
It doesn't help to enable them.
Many of them are really nice up and until you dare want equal rights, in the ways that matter. They're kind if you bdlieve like them and you don't make too much noise, and stay in your place.
If they were all so nice they would not be zupporting T.
I've lived in 6 red states.
The likelihood that Texas Vets are MAGA is high. I'm no stranger to the military or to Texas.
He’s not just anti-veteran, he genuinely dislikes those who have served.
No other country in the world would dare be as disgusting to its own heroes!!
They got what they voted for. No sympathy here.
1/6. Trump admin on brand. Removing MoH recipient from military rolls. Trump stated Pres Medal of Freedom (given by Pres for any reason) he gave to major donor higher honor than military Medal of Honor bc lots of MoH winners get shot or killed. Trump desecrated Arlington
Sorry, fuckers. I ain't got time for that nonsense.
We don’t understand.
Tribalism? It was always clear he despises veterans!
Stay strong.
Don’t let disillusionment win.
What you must do:
Find your community, join hands, and protest together.
Local organizations are your allies in this fight - get involved, stay connected, and remember: we’re stronger united!
The feeling of unity is exhilarating!
No one.
WE must save ourselves!
WE must save our country!
WE must save democracy!
OUR actions can and will stop him!
Stand with your friends on the street!
Feel YOUR power.
OUR power!
It's up to us.
WE will do this together.
THEY will join us eventually.
It's okay to let those dedicated to the people die
so the billionaires can decide how to blow shit up in space.
And if Republicans stop having town halls in their own districts?
That’s an opportunity and we should seize it!
He's been shitting on Veterans for a decade. I'd really like to know how many people in that room voted for him & wtf were they thinking? His PR stunt at Arlington National Cemetery would of been enough to sink any candidate. Yet here we are.
He called you suckers & losers. Wasn’t that enough?
We need to reclaim woke and make kindness a way of life.
Cruelty isn’t the anwer to anything.
They believed the lies.
I heard that Fox gets played endlessly in military areas.
So yeah, faux news too.
They have to suffer immensely first & I'm not even convinced that'll be enough 🤷♀️
Thanks for being Blue Falcons, you bunch of pussy mutherfuckers.
You weren't thinking of anybody but yourselves & you're still gonna get fucked like the rest of us.
But congrats for thinking you were more special or important, assholes.
Just watching how existing veterans are getting screwed over, one would have to be completely out of their mind to expect anything different if they enlisted.
The same thought came to mind for me as well; the long-game goal: reduce military enlistment/preparediness by disincentivizing potential recruits.
By treating former and current military personnel like crap, it surely would make those who are considering serving in our military think twice.
Trapped within the behavior patterns of their disorder, WORLD DOMINATION/ENSLAVEMENT is the agenda as RUSSIA’s Republicans—also cultivated over decades—destroy America/Americans to pave the way.