They won't get it.
One is white (and forget they are girls) and the other isn't white and is a male.
1 is smart, 2 are dumber than box rocks.
I cares about his constituents, the other about themselves and hate.
They just won't get it
they had it all set up in advance. our libs let the MAGA own them. nobody shoulda even showed up to this performative shitshow. cameras wouldn't have been able to hide the entire empty half of the hall. Americans need to see the Democratic contempt for this President . smh
It’s such clear evidence of the “patriarchal bargain” both Boebert & MTG made that both of them have not been promoted to any major cabinet position in this administration, despite being vocal defenders of Trump for the past 4 years. What a slap in the face, not surprising at all.
And our silly Democrats sit meekly & ever so demure with their silly little auction signs. They just don’t get it & it looks like they never will so we are always on the losing end. We look like a joke.
The real question is why have Republicans allowed their party and members to descend into such trash and lying, with zero integrity or backbone? They chastise the Dems for impropriety at every turn but are the most inappropriate and frankly, have displayed the most disgusting behavior ever!
We were talking about just exactly this today (wife and me). She asked why MTG can do stuff that others are admonished for. Told her truthfully that I really don't know or understand it myself.
So far, the only one who's given any explanation of the Shameful Ten has been Houlahan, and the reason was decorum. Everyone else has ran from their socials 🤡
Should have kicked her out the 1st time. Instead Dems stayed quiet, hoped the problem would go away, but it became 10x worse. Now we have to live w/ the consequences.
Many Americans who voted for Trump didn't like him, but they were so goddamn sick & tired of Dem inaction.
Democrats roll over and take it. We need to take seriously the threat to the USA that is the GOP. This is not bipartisan. This is a strategic (albeit clumsy) coup.
I get it that it looks like a duck, but the Rs has majority in the house in each of these instances. only D’s punish their own, that’s the real story here. Shame on the 10. A rowdy progressive need to primary each and every one.
Pelosi was SOH in 2022 when Space Laser Lady and Handy Oakley heckled Biden at the SOTU. She was most certainly not SOH in 2023 when the Baboon The Loon screeched at Biden at the SOTU.
Honestly 99% of the Dems need to be primaried anyway. They aren't rising to the needs of the moment. And most have them have been in their seats so long that they helped create this crisis. They've had 40+ years to stop this from happening. They need to go.
I encourage all to go. If I had the money and the ability, I would. This may be the last chance to save this country. I know it sounds extreme, but we live in extreme times. Look what our president has said and done? He is obviously on Putin's side against Ukraine. Total betrayal of US!
Yes the difference.. people are starting to be held accountable. It's quite refreshing to see even Congress understands we needed change.
Hope and change is back on the menu!
What only 10? Thought more than that voted to support Netanyahu's final solution. White supremacists dressed in red or blue are still repping the white hoods and brown shirts. There may be less than 10 on that spectrum in government-how did we miss that until white nationalism cannibalized the USA?
Dems have to protect their wealth and power as much as republicans in Congress. Don’t be fooled by our “two-party” system. That’s why they left the right wings idiots alone for heckling. And did performance art in censuring Al Green
Say what you will but their tactics worked and as usual, there were no consequences for their actions. Al Green is a hero for his actions and they shut him down immediately. Democrats are too nice.
This is a 400+ year old rule. I am committed to protecting free speech. Agreeable or not. The GOP try to censor free speech. Obviously. They make issues out of things that effect .0001% of the population and have nothing to do with 99.9999% of us. Projection is all they have. They're stooges.
Biden always tried to take the high road. That’s the kind of person he is. MTG and Beetlejuice Boebert both should’ve being dragged out kicking and screaming.
It’s because FOTUS is a pathetic, weak coward that can’t stand criticism. showed heroism in the face of Tyranny as we all should be. #Resist
I’ve never been more disappointed in the democrats… I guess we need to create a new party - that has some balls to stand up for and fight for the constitution🤬
No new party for the same old people. We watched Biden let Israel burn Gaza to the ground and worried speaking against genocide might hurt his election chances. We let Netanyahu order this on our soil. Then blamed Arabs. We can stop enabling white supremacy at any time. But will we?
They both have gold plated Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance as MoC. MTG's refrigerator doesn't go all the way to the top. Rep Green was railing for his constituent' health care.
Every time I see her on tv, she looks like a wax statue that has been melted just a touch more. You know the “liquid” in Vienna sausages? I’m pretty sure that’s what she bathes in.
Biden should've had her removed and then banned. But noooo, always allow more shit to be flung at you, eh dems!?! No wonder they're flailing. The most basic thing of Stand Up for Yourself & Don't Be a Doormat - and they can't get that right!
This seems to be a pattern now Democrats are the only ones that get punished or charged anymore. New Jersey senator is in jail for less crimes than Donald Trump has 34 conviction Fallon don’t try to tell me there’s not too set of laws.
Mr.Green was in a room Full OF KKK MEMBERS each and everyone and Those Ten Democrats that Voted against him 🖕🖕🖕off all the way to 🖕 mountain and you can all 🖕 yourselves all the way back down 🖕 Mountain ∆§§ Holes! 🤬😡👿🤡🤡🤡🤡
Gee, I can’t decide. Is it the coat? This was so damn racist and insulting to do to a respected 77 year old BLACK man that they should all be ashamed. They were not
Actually, it's simple. One side believes that rules apply to the other side, but not to them. Or, in other words, the age old dictum, "Power is a helluva drug."
Is the 'fix' already in? Has Putin paid off everyone in Washington DC? Is the fear of Democrats so palpable, they are bullied around in circles? Why hasn't anyone introduced articles of Impeachment? The evidence is everywhere. trump is a Russian Asset!
Even if it goes nowhere, there needs to be a pushback to the rouge president who is demonstrating he does not have the best interests of the American people and he is a demonstrated personal friend of a dictator. Whom he admires.
Difference? How about NO Democrats voted to censure either of them for any of those outbursts. But TEN Democrats voted to censure Rep. Green. (Also: Remember Joe Wilson yelling “You lie!”at President Obama during one of his SOTU speeches.)
The Dems need to start playing hard ball against cocaine bear and others like her. The Dems have been playing soft ball. Wake up and smell the fascism guys. Be obstructionist. Be disruptive. Be the ferocious American labor party we all know you can be
What else that should be obvious, the Dems are weak and afraid to do anything that might ruffle feathers.
Get to rufflin - we are tired of this shit.
One is white (and forget they are girls) and the other isn't white and is a male.
1 is smart, 2 are dumber than box rocks.
I cares about his constituents, the other about themselves and hate.
They just won't get it
..... more?
the republicans are attacking the disabled and you’re going to join them using “special needs” as a pejorative?
If you aren't smart, you do whatever you can to get rid of the smart ones ..
They were yelling at Joe Biden. Not a peep from anyone over their trashiness.
Different times, not that long ago.
Plus, I think there was some MAGAt back in the day who did the same to Obama who wasn't called out.
Sad times.
Should have kicked her out the 1st time. Instead Dems stayed quiet, hoped the problem would go away, but it became 10x worse. Now we have to live w/ the consequences.
Many Americans who voted for Trump didn't like him, but they were so goddamn sick & tired of Dem inaction.
In 2022, 2023, and 2024 the hecklers were targeting an adult, not a hypersensitive snowflake clown.
What'd I win?
just saying🙄🙄🙄🙄
oh and could you stop being so sensitive about everything you’re starting to sound like snowflakes?
Hope and change is back on the menu!
Paddle holding
go-along-ers are no match against fascist alt-right bores.
Yet …
Dems let all those gross interruptions go by, add insult to injury - 10 Democrats voted to censure one of their own…
God bless Al Green.
Those standards are definitely not coming back by the Dems giving the 'good example'.
Make Noise. Lots of noise
Our problem is our leaders keep playing nice when the other side has absolutely no ethics, honor, or respect for anything but power and money.
The to play HARDBALL.
Like or hate MAGA, they put us in the position of cleaning house and it’s time we do it on the left.
No more weaklings that just talk a good game.
Shameless bastards
Oops I just puked in my mouth a little thinking about it 🤢
Sorry lol 😆
Who said racists don’t have feelings??
They let all those gross interruptions go by yet 10 Democrats voted to censure one of their own… God bless Al Green.
The GOP is void of any core values/morals
Decorum? FORGET IT!!!
I have not forgotten.
America is Racist!!
Make it trend.
IMO They have both been big disappointments.