This guy is one entitled a hole. Just when I think I can’t hate this regime & the Republican Party more than I do ..surprise I find out I actually can hate them even more.
To prohibit funds for the Armed Forces to engage in operations to invade or seize territory from Canada, the Republic of Panama, or the self-governing territory of Greenland.
Please help make this go viral! We have to step up our game because our representatives are clearly not going to save us from this fast moving coup! The only thing we really can do that's nonviolent is slow production. Cost them money. Don't get fired. Don't hurt anyone. But do more where youcan
Please help make this go viral! We have to step up our game because our representatives are clearly not going to save us from this fast moving coup! The only thing we really can do that's nonviolent is slow production. Cost them money. Don't get fired. Don't hurt anyone. But do more where youcan
Just put up a huge sign in your yard with the above quote. If they get offended, tell them their own representatives don't think they embody American values anymore.
Fair point. Put it up in front of one of their houses when no one is looking, instead. It's from their party, so they should be okay with the messaging!
(/s please don't get yourself shot by a psychopath)
Boy this will play well with all the Ma & Pas in Indiana, Ohio, Texas, and so on…. who were/are convinced the orange stain cares about them and “their america “!
American families must access cheap food, cheap rent, cheap medicine, cheap clothing cheap living because their salaries are too low. Their hope of achieving the American Dream has been snatched from their grasp by corrupt, greedy politicians who work for big corp. instead of for their constituents.
lol Trump is not getting away from this one. He and he alone will be blamed for the damage he is doing. He is now realizing that he cannot fulfill critical promises made to the American people.
I don't know if "access to cheap goods" is the American Dream, but I do know that "being able to afford a comfortable lifestyle" is part of the American Dream, and we can't afford that lifestyle if everything is too expensive.
This is the home of Trump appointee Scott Bessent, and his husband, John Freeman…A pink mansion in SC where they fuck each other up the ass.
Scott is working for a guy who just froze HIV meds, and all medical research, who is working hard to pick judges to nullify gay marriage and gay adoption.
🇺🇸 📣Any Democrats telling us to Stand Down like Hakeem Jeffries Is doing r Outing Themselves as Fake Democrats!!
Republicans have been funding Fake Democrats for 100 yrs covertly creating a One Party System! It's a total RICO fraud on Americans!
We need Millions protesters in the streets!
If a Biden admin person said something like this the nuclear explosion of outrage on Fox News would be so encompassing that nothing would survive. He'd have to write apology letters to every American and their dead ancestors before being called into the public square to be hung, shot, & dismembered
The American dream is build on the back of access to cheap goods. America is a consumer driven society. That only exists of people can afford to purchase goods.
Trump supporters voted to uphold the hierarchy of rich over poor, white over poc, men over women, Christianity over other religions and straight/cis over all others.
The price of eggs was just a cover story for bigotry and misogyny.
He isn't tone deaf. He's in on the takeover. Don't know how it will go over with maga consumers, though, when they start to have to alter their purchasing behaviors.
In the technical sense he is correct. The dream is that if we work hard, we can buy all the expensive shit we want. That isn't the reality, obviously. We would have to have a system in place that enabled that dream for it to be real.
What Trump supporters failed to realize is when you choose to shoot yourself in the foot it doesn't really matter if that foot is the left or the right
I don’t think the “essence” of the American dream includes children going hungry so this greedy, ignorant, self serving jackass can take more corporate welfare from taxpayers to shove in his overstuffed untaxed pockets & proselytize to those he considers lowly how grateful for his theft we should be
How the hell do you vote for this lunatic when he told you what he was going to do? Trump is a demented bully with monumental mood swings which, unfortunately, affect the entire world. How is there no way to declare him mentally unfit and have him removed? And take all those ass kissers with him.
He picked a lot of people with podcasts or right-wing news background thinking they'd be good at messaging. It's different standing up in front of a skeptical audience and speaking than sitting a desk with a microphone and blabbering with nobody around who isn't a hired hand.
Egads, things are expensive enough, not cheap goods. Especially consumables, like food, you know, eggs, beef, chicken. With wages not enough to get from paycheck to paycheck.
What planet does this guy live on? Has he ever been in a Kroger, let alone, a Walmart? Or does his servant do the shopping?
Perhaps every billionaire in government should be required to live 2 months w/in the budget of a typical laboring family. He is issued clothing on day one, paying rent & works 40hr weeks at a real job & shop/cook for all meals. Gets a cheap phone for internet.
That’s fine man they want a fight I’ll give it to them. These animals are nothing but a bunch of spineless pussies. So bring them on I can’t wait to kill some uneducated klansman.
I appreciate your enthusiasm 🙏
I'm old and not in great health so marching is not an option for me (I've paid my dues, trust me). But, when the time comes, I will be out there as a body to be counted and if I wind up hurt so be it but you won't find me picking fights w/anyone. Be well.
Richie Rich couldn't get a man to touch his penis without GHB.
(/s please don't get yourself shot by a psychopath)
And that’s what put the “great,” in Great Depression.
Let’s get celebrate the Centennial of the Great Depression with our very own enabling of robber barons.
So… higher egg prices ARE the American way after all?
Scott is working for a guy who just froze HIV meds, and all medical research, who is working hard to pick judges to nullify gay marriage and gay adoption.
Fuck this dickhead
Republicans have been funding Fake Democrats for 100 yrs covertly creating a One Party System! It's a total RICO fraud on Americans!
We need Millions protesters in the streets!
Free speech? They're killing it.
Equality? Also being killed.
A decent education? Being killed.
The list goes on and on...
Ask that Alabama sheriff who bought himself a mansion with funds intended for feeding prisoners.
The last time the federal minimum wage was increased was under Obama in 2009.
Trump supporters voted to uphold the hierarchy of rich over poor, white over poc, men over women, Christianity over other religions and straight/cis over all others.
The price of eggs was just a cover story for bigotry and misogyny.
Somehow trans folks or people of color will be blamed if this registers with them at all.
And then reread it and was disappointed 🤣
Who the hell is this clown to dictate what anyone’s dream should be? 🙄
That's us too now.
To make our oligarch overlords more wealth.
How could we get that so wrong?!
These are not the qualities of life you're looking for.
The essence of the "AMERICAN" dream seems to be those who LIE on their immigration papers & rape the US taxpayers for personal gain
Witness elno musk & melanoma trump
What planet does this guy live on? Has he ever been in a Kroger, let alone, a Walmart? Or does his servant do the shopping?
Out of $$ too soon? Too bad, so sad.
I'm old and not in great health so marching is not an option for me (I've paid my dues, trust me). But, when the time comes, I will be out there as a body to be counted and if I wind up hurt so be it but you won't find me picking fights w/anyone. Be well.