WATCH — : “Nothing says something has proved successful like the person targeted by the campaign getting his friend the president to start selling cars.”
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EVs are expensive. If you planned to buy one, you clearly can afford it. But if you can afford it, it is because you spend wisely. The fall in value in Tesla 2nd hand would affect your decision. Or maybe you have more money than sense.
This installment of #TheJimAcostaShow with guest expresses what the country is experiencing right now. Righteous indignation.
2021: Biden drives a Jeep—made by the foreign-owned Stellantis—on White House grounds.Stellantis moved thousands of Dodge, Chrysler & Jeep jobs from Detroit to Canada.
Nothing to see here. Just a couple of hucksters shifting a crappy car in front of a big white building where one of them is pretending he runs the country while the other one takes a wrecking ball to it.
Elonia and Agent Orange have a problem; Tesla make EVs which Trump’s voter base view as Kryptonite and I can’t see them giving up their V8 trucks for them. Oh, it’s so funny 😆
King Thrump promoting Musk's swasticars and MMTD (Musk Mobile Trash Dumpsters) on White House grounds shows how much he is owned by the prancing little fascist gnat called Musk(rat).
I just submitted a tip to the FBI tip line about the crime we witnessed yesterday by Trump and Musk violating several laws to boost Tesla stock prices. I would suggest everyone do the same.
Wasn’t Isadora Duncan who was strangled when her scarf got caught in the wheel of a car?
Just thinking about our beloved POTUS driving his new Tesla with the windows open and his long blond hair blowing in the wind along with his long red tie.
Soon all US government agencies will be forced to buy Swaticars or Wankpanzers for the next 4 years to saver Tesla from plunging any more in the stock market
That had to be one of the most embarrassing things I ever saw an American president ever do on tv, stoop as low as trying to be sell cars for a guy hitting your country! There’s no low for this disgusting sociopath! Deserve who you elect!
Elon Musk tells the #POTUS to jump and Trump says "how high?"
It is pathetic to see a #POTUS so weak and beholden to a drug fueled, greedy psychopath - almost as pathetic as how beholden he is to the murderous, thieving, war criminal Putin
Never underestimate a psychopath. This belittling salesman scene makes deep cuts in Trump’s self esteem. The day Trump shorted himself back in enough money on Wall Street, Elon is a dead man. A farmyard can not have 2 roosters.
Just a thought... Trump & MAGA GOP are about tax breaks for billionaires while draining the swamp by shutting down government, which includes the IRS, Education, Veterans, etc. SHOULD WE HELP BY NOT FILING OUR TAXES? WE'RE REALLY ONLY FILING TAXES SO BILLIONAIRES, LIKE A SOUTH AFRICAN, CAN SPEND IT!
I’m thinking about exempting federal from my paycheck withholdings- this is simple to do- but continuing to pay state out of every paycheck. This is something everybody needs to figure out on their own, but if you decide to do same, it is a simple change you can make through your payroll service.✊
He’s a dolt. I assume he cannot drive a car. Other presidents have driven. He says “they won’t let me drive”. Since when does dipshit Donny listen to what people tell him what and what not to do? He’s a fucking wimp.
And his thumbnail may indicate he’s got health issues. In addition to his brain.
It seems to be working so far this morning. We need to uprise differently. Making musk wealthier while he dismantles our government doesn’t seem like we are doing our shit correctly.
Hell to the no. I wouldn’t want one if you gave it to me. My friend had one and was using the hands free option, it drove us into oncoming traffic and he had to fight the wheel to get us back into our lane.
Never knew that presidents - especially this one - got 100 days of grace. What happens after these 100 days are up? Can he finally be impeached?? Along with Elon and JD… and not sure who else.
TBH, I agree with most of what this guy said, but I really don't think millions and millions of Americans could afford a 100k car. My last new car was priced at 36k, and I waited till the height of covid and paid 5k for it before taxes. (otherwise I wouldn't have bought a new car at all)
I died laughing when he said. They would buy a cardboard box with wheels drawn on it. Oh my, the world is watching and laughing their ass off at Trump, and MAGA
His cult base don’t have the cash or the credit. Not to mention what a bigger pussy they would like driving a cyber truck. Ain’t no puttin lipstick 💄 on that pig 🐖
54% of Americans read at a 6th grade level. Pictures are important when reading comprehension skills are not kept up with. Car wash mode states it needs the right chemicals, the right pressure of water, do not wash in direct sunlight, as well as putting it car wash mode. Best $80K spent.
Every time I see this clip it reminds me of the scene in The Other Guys where Will Farrell gets his Prius back after it gets used by homeless guys to hold an orgy.
I honestly thought the note in his hand was AI or something at first; I mean who does this. He’s a President ffs have some dignity. And what about the Munt boy.. had to get daddy to help him again
Literally the only vehicle this person has ever driven is a golf cart ie. Really big toddler car. And this is their “Alpha male”. They’re killing me with this shit
My nephew DIED in his TESLA when it malfunctioned, sped across the road striking trees & immediately combusting. He was incinerated. It took 6 hrs for the fire to be put out & car to cool. Rescue was useless. He was 32 & left behind a young wife & a first baby abt to be born.
It is mind boggling how a man who is ripping out charging stations at federal buildings is going to own the very thing he decries, an EV. Just how stupid do they think their base is? Many of them are waking up to the damage done to the economy.
he's panicking because Musk is filling his pockets and doing his dirty work in exchange for making him richer. if his profits go to nothing, hes no longer rich and of no use to Trump, and they with end up fighting each other.
Trump voters are lost. Their responses blow my mind, just blind loyalty no matter what happens. Our only hope is in mobilizing the large group of people who didn’t vote or couldn’t.
What’s incredibly stupid is the fact that Tesla buying demographic ( educated, environmentally conscious, upper middle class ) is/was not the same demographic as the Drumpf supporters who apparently can’t even afford to buy eggs let alone expensive ass evs! Lack of self awareness is mind boggling!
And he lied. They don't float like a boat 😄
This installment of #TheJimAcostaShow with guest expresses what the country is experiencing right now. Righteous indignation.
We should have more and bigger protests
Violations of: 31 U.S.C. § 1301(a), 5 C.F.R. 2635.704 , 5 C.F.R. § 2635.702, 5 C.F.R. § 2635.705(a), and others.
All I see is a very small man with his thumb and forefinger on his mushroom trying to whack off.
Just thinking about our beloved POTUS driving his new Tesla with the windows open and his long blond hair blowing in the wind along with his long red tie.
No one is harmed. Just a metaphor.
It is pathetic to see a #POTUS so weak and beholden to a drug fueled, greedy psychopath - almost as pathetic as how beholden he is to the murderous, thieving, war criminal Putin
It closed last Friday at 261 and closed at 222 on Monday.
And his thumbnail may indicate he’s got health issues. In addition to his brain.
Mr shit pants is hawking an extremely expensive car that his maga trash can’t afford.
The only advantage we have is that he is much stupider than hitler.
Embarrassed for both of these idiots.
Good news I talked to my manager, Elon and we can throw in the pinstripes and undercoat for free.
That and we also include disappointment and heartbreak with every vehicle.
Who is going to sue tRump and MoonPie for this fawking stunt?
I will wait...
Itchy, Itchy DiaperDonny?
Must be hard to be such #vermin.
But we never called him a crooked car salesman.
Fuck Muskrat
Pass it on!
No golf today Donald. Get out there and sell my fucking cars.
GAY VAILIMONT (FL) Mom & Advocate -
JOSH WEIL (FL) Teacher
Maybe Musk can claim his purchase of the presidency as an advertising write-off.
The South African dude hell bent on destroying American lives just for fun? That guy?
Trump's infomercial notes...
Because nobody else is.