Tennessee Republicans are close to passing a bill that would give medical professionals the right to refuse care to patients based on personal beliefs.
Ironically they are calling it the “Medical Ethics Defense Act”
Ironically they are calling it the “Medical Ethics Defense Act”
"First Do No Harm"
This is government intrusion, exactly what Republicans have claimed they don’t want. Except the discrimination element; they’ve always been okay with that.
So, if there's so many people seeking treatment, the for-profit medical provider won't just hire more doctors to maximise profits?
If you so much as look at another woman with lust in your heart - blah blah blah - going to hell.
That is one of the most evil philosophies every created. It decimated my self-esteem as a kid.
I was not raised religious, I’ve lost all my bibles that I never read. (Religious family members.) So I have no idea what’s Jesus and what’s not. I should probably look into that. Maybe take a bible from a nearby motel. 🤔
Yeah, I was on my church's bible quiz team. This is why I love writing Gabriel so much. I adore making Biblical jokes.
While we could address this medically, I do not want to interfere with your god’s intent for you to suffer through this.
Trump & co just amp it up to 13.
Remember you have a voice. This is your system. These are your institutions... you can defend them, you can rebuild them, they are ours.
Use your voice
Do you have any beliefs that would prevent me getting any healthcare I want?
Doc: well, yeah.
Me: I'm outta here, you quack.
1. Beneficence (do good)
2. Non-maleficence (do no harm)
3. Autonomy (respect patients’ rights to make informed decisions)
4. Justice (treat patients fairly and equitably)
Good people of Tennessee, blink twice if you need us to come get you.
• Sorry I won't treat you because you're a Catholic.
• Sorry I won't treat you because you're a Jew
• Sorry I won't treat you because you're a Muslim
• Sorry...
That works for bringing in new talent.
Those TN doctors took the hypocritic oath, not the Hippocratic oath.
@30% - High School only
<20% - Master's or other post baccalaureate
<10% - Law JD
How many are MD? None that I can find. Maybe demand more educated GOP candidates next time and you won't end up with this stupidity.
ignorance is applauded and immorality is elected.
I also am in agreement that a doc does not have to treat smokers, alcoholics, motorcycle accident victims, and problems from risky behaviors.